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Ottawa, 11 December 2009
Our Reference: 8740-T66-200912107
Ms. Andrea Wood
Chief Legal Officer
Globalive Wireless Management Corp.
207 Queen’s Quay West, Suite 710,
PO Box 114
Toronto, Ontario M5J 1A7
Dear Ms. Wood:
RE: Tariff Notices TCC 371/371A, TCI 624/624A, and TCBC 4332/4332A
Refer to Globalive’s response to the Commission’s interrogatory of 20 October 2009 where the following was stated, with regards to paragraph 18 of Globalive’s comments of 25 September 2009:
…reference to negotiations in paragraph 18 relate to changes to the standard agreement that were negotiated between Globalive and TCC.
Globalive is requested to provide a copy of the agreement referred to above, on or before 18 December 2009, specifically identifying any changes made to the standard wireless service provider network access service agreement.
Yours sincerely,
Original signed by
Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager,
Tariffs Telecommunications
c.c.: Mr. Orest Romaniuk, TCC,
Cliff Abbott, CRTC (819) 997-4509
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