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Ottawa, 20 October 2009


File Nos.: 8740-T66-200912107




Mr. Orest Romaniuk
Vice President & Controller
Regulatory Finance & Economic Affairs
TELUS Communications Company
21-10020-100 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 0N5


Dear Mr. Romaniuk:


RE: Tariff Notices TCC 371/371A, TCI 624/624A, and TCBC 4332/4332A


Please find attached, interrogatories related to applications by TELUS Communications Company (TCC), filed under cover of the above-noted tariff notices. In these applications, TCC proposed to amalgamate the company’s tariffs related to interconnection by wireless service providers.


Responses to these interrogatories are to be filed with the Commission by 2 November 2009.


Yours sincerely,


Original signed by S. Bédard’


Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs


cc: Cliff Abbott, CRTC (819) 997-4509



Refer to paragraph 1.1, Attachment 1, page 1 of 7, of TCC’s 31 August 2009 application, where the company states the following:


… the company is also proposing to incorporate into the proposed tariff various terms and conditions currently set out in the WSP access agreement that each WSP signs but which are not currently set-out in either Item 555 or Item 197-A. If approved, the agreement will be retired and existing contracts cancelled in favour of the improved protections set out in this tariff, specifically around protection of confidential information.

1. Clarify whether the ‘existing contracts’ referred to above are with reference to the existing signed WSP network access service agreements.


2. If not, clearly identify the contracts to which you are referring.


3. Identify in the proposed TCC tariff (CRTC 21462, Item 231 – WSP – Network Access Service):


(a) the terms and conditions related to the standard WSP network access service agreement, as well as those related to the existing tariffs (TCI Item 555, and TCBC Item 197-A);


(b) any terms and conditions omitted related to the standard WSP network access service agreement and the existing tariffs referenced in 3 (a), along with detailed rationale for such; and


(c) any new terms and conditions and the detailed rationale for such.

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