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Ottawa, 3 July 2009
File No.: 8661-W42-200909203
Mr. Ted Woodhead
Vice President
Telecom Policy and Regulatory Affairs
TELUS Communications Company
215 Slater Street, 8th floor
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 0A6
Mr. Benjamin Waldman
General Manager
Worldlink Internet & Payphone Ltd.
Box 1763
Banff, Alberta
T1L 1B6
Dear Sirs:
RE: Worldlink Internet & Payphone Ltd. Part VII Application – Review of Pay Telephone Access Line Service – TELUS Carrier Access Tariff
The Commission received an application by Worldlink Internet & Payphone Ltd. (Worldlink), dated 17 June 2009, in which it requested that the Commission, among other things, direct TELUS Communication Company (TCC) to amend its Carrier Access Tariff item 216.3 – Pay Telephone Access Line Service for Rate Band D, to reflect a rate of $29.95 per month, or in the alternative to reflect a rate of $39.95 per month.
In addition, Worldlink requested that the Commission abridge the timelines for submissions and direct TCC to provide a response to its application within 10 days of its receipt.
By letter, dated 19 June 2009, TCC requested that the Commission adhere to the usual 30-day timeline for it to respond to the application.
TCC submitted that the application raised important policy considerations as it amounts to a request by Worldlink for the Commission to force TCC to provide regulated telecommunications services at rates lower than the prevailing tariffed rates. TCC proposed that it be given the opportunity to file its answer on or before 16 July 2009, or by some date prescribed by the Commission via a process letter.
TCC's request to maintain the filing date for its response as 16 July 2009 is acceptable.
Yours sincerely,
Original signed by Christine Bailey for/
Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs
cc: Joe Cabrera, CRTC,
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