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Ottawa, 30 June 2009

File No.:  8661-C122-200815889


Mr. Marcel Mercia

Chief Operating Officer

Cybersurf Corp.

300 West Tower, 1144-29th Ave. NE

Calgary AB  T2E 7P1  

Ms. Monica Song

Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP

99 Bank Street, Suite 1420

Ottawa ON  K1P 1H4 

Mr. Bill Abbott

Senior Counsel - Regulatory Law

Bell Canada

160 Elgin Street, 19th Floor

Ottawa ON K2P 2C4 

Dear Mr. Mercia, Mr. Abbott, and Ms. Song:

Re:  Cybersurf application for relief against Bell Canada regarding certain billing practices and disconnection – revised dates for final comments from Cybersurf

Commission staff in its letter dated 4 June 2009 set out dates for final comments from Bell Canada by 17 June 2009, and from Cybersurf by 29 June 2009

By letter dated 29 June 2009 Cybersurf requested an extension to file its final comments.  In its letter, Cybersurf indicated that while Bell Canada’s final comments and other submissions were delivered to the offices of its counsel by 18 June 2009, a CD-ROM with additional material was only delivered  on 19 June 2009. Cybersurf also indicated that it did not  receive the CD-Rom with additional material until 22 June 2009. Cybersurf submitted that as it received Bell Canada’s additional material on 22 June 2009, consistent with the time frames set out in Commission staff’s process letter, its final comments would have been due on 2 July 2009. Cybersurf also requested an additional three working days to file its final comments to 7 July 2009.

In light of the above, Commission staff considers that in the circumstances a 3 days extension is reasonable. Accordingly, Cybersurf is requested to file its final comments by

3 July 2009.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed Mario Bertrand


Paul Godin

Director General

Telecommunications - Competition, Costing & Tariffs

c.c:  R. Frenette, CRTC (819) 994-0245, 

       B. Natraj (Nat Natraj), CRTC (819) 953-5081, 

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