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Ottawa, 29 May 2009


Reference No: 8663-C12-200903387


By E-mail


To: Interested Parties to Notice of Consultation 2009-71


Re: Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-71 – Procedural Matters  


In its reply comments dated 3 April 2009, Rogers Communications Inc. (RCI) provided additional details concerning its proposal that telecommunications service providers be permitted to share non-sensitive customer confidential information based on implied consent.

Commission staff considers that this information, in particular the information contained in paragraphs 2, 3, 4, and 7 of RCI's reply comments, raises new matters that should not have been introduced at the reply stage. However, Commission staff considers that this information could contribute to a better understanding of the issues, and should therefore remain part of the record. As a result, parties should be afforded an opportunity to comment on the new evidence submitted by RCI.

Accordingly, parties may file reply comments on the new matters contained in RCI's reply comments by 15 June 2009, copying all parties.   RCI may file reply comments by 25 June 2009, copying all parties. Commission staff notes that these comments should be limited to the matters referenced above.  




(original signed by)


John Macri
Director, Telecom Policy

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