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Ottawa, 22 May 2009


File Nos   8638-C12-200903890




Mr. Denis Henry

Vice-President, Regulatory Affairs

Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership

160 Elgin Street, 19th Floor

Ottawa ON   K2P 2C4


Mr. David Palmer

Director, Regulatory Affairs

Bell Canada

160 Elgin Street 19th Floor

Ottawa ON   K2P 2C4 


Mr. Ted Woodhead

Vice-President, Telecom Policy and Regulatory Affairs

TELUS Communications Company

215 Slater Street

Ottawa ON   K1P 0A6


Dear Sirs:


Re:   Bell Aliant Tariff Notice 260, Bell Canada Tariff Notice 7196 and TCC Tariff Notice 359


Please find attached interrogatories related to the cost studies filed in support of Bell Aliant Regional Communications Limited Partnership Tariff notice 260, Bell Canada Tariff Notice 7196, and Telus Communications Company ( TCC ) Tariff Notice 359 associated with the ADSL Line Sharing service. Attachment 1 to this letter contains the interrogatories for Bell Aliant and Bell Canada , while Attachment 2 contains the interrogatories for TCC . Responses to these interrogatories are to be filed with the Commission by 19 June 2009.


Yours truly,


Original signed by


Yvan Davidson

Senior Manager
Competitor Services and Costing


c.c.:   Coalition of Internet Service Providers Inc.
Cybersurf Corp.
Distributel Communications Limited
MTS Allstream Inc.
Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.

Saskatchewan Telecommunications
Trichur Krishnan, CRTC, 819-953-9584

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