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Ottawa, 30 April 2009

File No.: 8663-M59-200905854


Ms Teresa Griffin-Muir
Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
MTS Allstream Inc.
45 O'Connor Street, Suite 1400
Ottawa ON K1P 1A4

Dear Ms Griffin-Muir:

Re: MTS Allstream Part VII Application Wholesale ADSL Tariff Solution

The Commission is in receipt of a request dated 28 April 2009 from MTS Allstream Inc. to extend the comment period on MTS Allstream Inc.'s Part VII application to 22 May 2009 and to extend the due date for MTS Allstream Inc.'s reply comments to 2 June 2009.

Commission staff agrees to extend the deadlines as proposed.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Paul Godin
Director General
Telecom - Competition, Costing & Tariffs

c.c.: Bell Canada
       Bell Aliant
       Patrick Owens, CRTC Telecom

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