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Ottawa, 5 February 2009


File No.:   8740-T66-200812778


By E-mail


Mr. Terry Connolly
Director, Regulatory Matters
TELUS Communications Company
21-10020 100 St. NW
Edmonton, Alberta


Dear Mr. Connolly:


RE:   TCC Tariff Notice No. 323 
Former TCI Tariff Notice No. 610
TCBC Tariff Notice No. 4307


The Commission received applications by TELUS Communications Company (TCC) under cover of TCC Tariff Notice (TN) 323, Former TCI TN 610, and TCBC TN 4307, dated 23 September 2008 , in which the company proposed revisions to integrate various tariffs relating to construction charges and the provision of facilities in unserved areas of Alberta and British Columbia . TCC also proposed to withdraw and destandardize elements of the following tariff items:

•  General Tariff (CRTC 21461) Item 204 - Service Improvement Plan (SIP) for Unserved Premises,

•  TCBC (CRTC 1005) Item 95 - Construction Charges

TCC submitted that the SIP program had not been in effect since December 31, 2006 and proposed to withdraw the tariff with the exception of those specific items dealing with the instalment plan and future requests for service in communities that received service under SIP.


Commission staff notes that an extension to the TCC SIP program is currently under review.   Commission staff therefore considers that, at this time, it would be inappropriate to withdraw those tariff items that may be required again if such an extension is ordered.


TCC also submitted that in amalgamating its construction tariffs for Alberta and British Columbia , the proposed construction tariff would generally be harmonized based on aspects already contained in both the existing tariffs, or on elements which are unique to either tariff.   Of particular concern, TCC requested approval for the removal of the free construction facility allowance on private property of 100 metres that is currently permitted within British Columbia.


Commission staff notes that in Action plan for reviewing social and other non-economic regulatory measures in light of Order in Council P.C. 2006-1534, Telecom Decision CRTC 2008-34, 17 April 2008, the Commission announced its plans to review social and other non-economic regulatory issues, and undertook to address the free construction allowance related to access service, in the 2009-2010 timeframe.


In light of the above, the file is now closed.


TCC may file new tariff applications where the company's proposals for the amalgamation of the two construction tariffs do not include the removal of the SIP tariff items nor the withdrawal of the free facility construction allowance on private property for the residents of British Columbia.


Yours sincerely,


Original signed by


Paul M. Godin
Director General
Competition, Costing and Tariffs


cc: Brendan Keown, CRTC (819) 953-4720

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