ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-614-1
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Additional reference: 2009-614
Ottawa, 11 December 2009
Notice of hearing
7 December 2009
Gatineau, Quebec
Deadlines for the submission of comments in the proceeding on a request by the Governor in Council to prepare a report on the implications and advisability of implementing a compensation regime for the value of local television signals
[Broadcasting interventions/comments form]
1. In Order in Council P.C. 2009-1569, the Governor in Council requested that the Commission hold hearings and provide specific recommendations on the implications and the advisability of implementing a compensation regime for the value of the local television signals. In Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2009-614, the Commission set out the questions it considered needed to be addressed in order to respond to the Governor in Council’s request. The Commission has received an unprecedented response to this call for comments, particularly from the general public.
2. On 30 November 2009, the Commission opened an online consultation to allow the general public to provide their views on the issues raised in Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2009-614. This online consultation will be open until 21 December 2009 and the transcript of this online consultation will be added to the public record of this proceeding.
3. Parties that have appeared before the Commission during the oral phase of the hearing may file written comments by no later than 18 December 2009. These comments must pertain only to the specific recommendations that the Commission should make in relation to the two issues set out in the Order in Council attached to Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2009-614. These comments must not exceed 5 pages and are in addition to any request for information made at the hearing by commissioners.
4. Parties that did not appear at the public hearing can avail themselves of the Commission’s online consultation to file their comments by no later than 21 December 2009. To participate in the online consultation, click here.
Secretary General
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