ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 2009-351
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Ottawa, 16 June 2009 | |
Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada – Withdrawal of SimplyOne Service |
File number: Bell Aliant Tariff Notice 246 Bell Canada Tariff Notice 7186 |
1. |
The Commission received applications from Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (collectively, the Bell companies), dated 26 March 2009, proposing to withdraw General Tariff item 2210, SimplyOne Service. |
2. |
In support of their applications to withdraw SimplyOne Service, the Bell companies noted that |
3. |
The Bell companies submitted that they had not been advised in advance by Bell Mobility of the decommissioning of its analogue wireless service platform. They noted that, as a result, their SimplyOne customers were not notified in advance that their analogue wireless service would cease to function as of 16 November 2008. As part of their proposals, the Bell companies indicated that all affected customers would be offered a full credit for their SimplyOne Service retroactive to 16 November 2008. |
4. |
Coincident with these applications, the Bell companies issued a letter to their SimplyOne Service customers notifying them of the withdrawal of this service. The Bell companies indicated that since the analogue wireless platform could not be reactivated, this letter did not provide information regarding how customers could comment on their applications to the Commission. The Bell companies, however, noted that their customer service representatives were prepared to advise dissatisfied customers on how to provide comments to the Commission. |
5. |
The Commission received one comment opposing the withdrawal of this service. The public record of this proceeding, which closed on 7 April 2009, is available on the Commission's website at under "Public Proceedings". |
6. |
The Commission notes that the Bell companies did not fulfil certain requirements set out in Telecom Decision 2008-22 for applications dealing with the withdrawal of a tariffed service. While the Bell companies did provide affected customers with notification, they were unable to provide it to each affected customer prior to the withdrawal of the analogue wireless component of SimplyOne Service. In addition, the letter did not provide information as to how an affected customer could participate in the Commission's process. However, under the circumstances, the Commission considers that the notification provided to the affected customers coincident with these applications is adequate. |
7. |
The Commission notes that, since SimplyOne Service was destandardized by the Bell companies in 2001, customers have been encouraged to migrate to alternative services. Further, the Commission notes that, since the analogue wireless service component of SimplyOne Service is no longer available, the Bell companies are no longer capable of providing the tariffed SimplyOne Service in its entirety. |
8. |
Accordingly, in view of the circumstances, the Commission considers that the Bell companies' proposals to withdraw SimplyOne Service are reasonable. |
9. |
The Commission also agrees that it is appropriate for the Bell companies to provide affected customers with a credit for the SimplyOne Service retroactive to 16 November 2008. |
10. |
In light of the above, the Commission approves the Bell companies' applications, effective the date of this order. |
Secretary General | |
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