ARCHIVED - Telecom Decision CRTC 2009-164
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Ottawa, 27 March 2009 | |
Relief implementation plan for area code 613 – Eastern Ontario |
File number: 8698-C12-200714312 | |
In this decision, the Commission approves the updated relief implementation plan for area code 613 and maintains its requirement that 10 central office codes be protected and made available for assignment if and when area code 613/343 enters a jeopardy condition. | |
Background |
1. |
On 30 August 2007, the Canadian Numbering Administrator informed the Commission that the results of a general numbering resource utilization forecast indicated that area code 613 would exhaust by May 2012. |
2. |
The Commission subsequently issued Telecom Public Notice 2007-18, in which the Commission established a CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee ad hoc relief planning committee (RPC) for the purpose of making recommendations regarding the various code relief options available for area code 613. |
3. |
The most recent numbering resource utilization forecast indicates that area code 613 will now exhaust earlier, by September 2011. |
4. |
The RPC filed with the Commission a planning document and a relief implementation plan (RIP), both dated 5 May 2008. In the planning document, the RPC evaluated 13 relief options for area code 613, including variations on geographic splits and area code overlays. The planning document also included recommendations on the preferred relief measure and on the timing for implementation. In the RIP, the RPC included proposed detailed implementation measures and plans to provide relief in accordance with its recommendations in the planning document. The RIP also included, as attachments, a network implementation plan and a consumer awareness program. |
5. |
In Telecom Decision 2008-89, the Commission made several determinations with respect to the measures to be taken for providing code relief in area code 613.1 The Commission also directed the RPC to update the RIP to include those determinations and to re-file an amended RIP for Commission approval. |
Updated RIP |
6. |
The RPC filed with the Commission an updated numbering plan area (NPA) 613 RIP (updated RIP), dated 8 December 2008. The updated RIP reflects all but one of the Commission's determinations as set out in Telecom Decision 2008-89 with respect to code relief in area code 613. |
7. |
The RPC noted that in Telecom Decision 2008-89, the Commission considered that central office (CO) codes 365, 367, 428, 431, 437, 460, 672, 753, 879, and 942 (the 10 CO codes) should only be made available for assignment if area code 613 enters a jeopardy condition. |
8. |
In the updated RIP, the RPC instead recommended that the 10 CO codes be made available for assignment in area code 613 following relief and that they should also be available in NPA 343. |
9. |
The RPC submitted that retaining the 10 CO codes as unavailable for assignment would serve no useful purpose, since 6 other CO codes corresponding to future area codes2 remain unavailable for assignment in area code 613 and will be unavailable for assignment in area code 343. In the RPC's view, making the 10 CO codes unavailable for assignment after relief would unnecessarily reduce the life of area code 613/343. |
10. |
The RPC recommended that the Commission approve the updated RIP, including its recommendations with respect to the 10 CO codes. |
Commission's analysis and determinations |
11. |
The Commission has reviewed the updated RIP and with the exception of the RPC's recommendations regarding the availability of the 10 CO codes, finds that its determinations as set out in Telecom Decision 2008-89 were appropriately addressed. |
12. |
The Commission considers that making the 10 CO codes available for assignment immediately following relief is not necessary and that it is preferable to designate them as unavailable for assignment, as they correspond to area codes in the Canadian area code relief pool. In the Commission's view, the flexibility afforded by retaining these codes is important with respect to future NPA relief planning and outweighs any concerns about reducing the life of area code 613/343. The Commission notes that well over 700 CO codes will remain available for assignment in NPA 613/343 upon relief. The Commission considers that the assignment of the 10 CO codes can be better assessed when area code 613/343 requires further relief in the future. |
13. |
Additionally, with respect to the consumer awareness program, the Commission considers that consumers and users should be made aware that the prefix 1 will not be required for local calls between area codes 613/343 and 819. The Commission therefore determines that item 3 under the section entitled "Communications Themes and Key Messages" in the consumer awareness program of the updated RIP should be revised accordingly. |
14. |
The Commission therefore approves the updated RIP, subject to the following amendments: |
a) that the 10 CO codes only be made available for assignment if and when area code 613/343 enters a jeopardy condition; and |
b) that consumers and users be made aware that the prefix 1 will not be required for local calls between area codes 613/343 and 819. |
Secretary General | |
Related documents |
This document is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined in PDF format or in HTML at the following Internet site: | |
1 Among those determinations, area code 613 code relief is to be provided by a distributed overlay of area code 343 on area code 613 and this relief measure is to be implemented on 17 May 2010. 2 The six other CO codes, namely 343, 468, 568, 579, 871, and 873 are to remain unavailable for assignment because they correspond to future area codes in the Canadian pool of NPAs. |
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