ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-157-1
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Additional references: 2009-157, 2009-157-2, 2009-157-3, 2009-157-4, 2009-157-5 and 2009-157-6 |
Ottawa, 2 April 2009 | |
Notice of hearing | |
26 May 2009 Québec, Quebec Amendment to items 1, 2 and 4 Correction to item 10 |
Further to Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2009-157, the Commission announces the following: | |
The changes are in bold. | |
Item 1 |
Québec, Quebec |
Application by Evanov Communications Inc., on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated, for a broadcasting licence to operate a French-language FM commercial radio programming undertaking in Québec. |
Examination of application: |
Item 2 |
Québec, Quebec |
Application by Evanov Communications Inc., on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated, for a broadcasting licence to operate an English-language FM commercial radio programming undertaking in Québec. |
Examination of application: |
Due to concerns expressed by Industry Canada related to the proposal to operate a new FM radio programming undertaking at Lévis, Quebec on the 104.1 MHz frequency, the following applicant has requested changes to their original technical parameters. The changes are in bold. | |
Item 4 |
Lévis, Quebec |
Application by Radio communautaire de Lévis for a broadcasting licence to operate a French-language Type B community FM radio programming undertaking in Lévis. |
The new station would operate on frequency 96.9 MHz (channel 245A1) with an average effective radiated power of 104 watts (maximum effective radiated power of 165 watts with an effective height of the antenna above average terrain of 13.8 metres). |
The paragraph in bold below should not have been included in this item. | |
Item 10 |
Gatineau, Quebec |
Application by 591991 B.C. Ltd. to renew the broadcasting licence for the French-language specialty FM radio programming undertaking CJRC-FM Gatineau. The licence expires 31 August 2009. |
It appears to the Commission that the licensee may have failed to comply with sections 2.2(5) and 2.2(8) of the Radio Regulations, 1986 concerning the broadcast of French-language vocal music and the broadcast of Canadian content for category 2 music during the broadcast week of 14 to 20 September 2008. |
Secretary General | |
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