Telecom Order CRTC 2008-57 |
Ottawa, 26 February 2008 |
Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership |
Reference: Tariff Notice 273 |
Destandardization of Small Business Bundles |
1. |
The Commission received an application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant), dated 26 November 2007, in which it proposed revisions to the former Aliant Telecom Inc.'s General Tariff item 302.4 - Small Business Bundles, in order to destandardize this service in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. In support of its application, Bell Aliant provided the information required by the Commission in Telecom Circular 2005-7, which established new procedures for the destandardization and/or withdrawal of tariffed services. Bell Aliant also included a copy of the notice sent to affected customers with its application. |
2. |
The Commission received comments from two Small Business Bundles service subscribers, Jury Consulting Services Limited, and Millar Productions. The record of this proceeding closed on 22 January 2008 with Bell Aliant's reply comments. The public record of this proceeding is available on the Commission's website at www.crtc.gc.ca under "Public Proceedings". |
Bell Aliant's application |
3. |
Bell Aliant noted that its Small Business Bundles service includes Centrex access, long distance services, calling features, and 800 Service. Additional savings are available to customers that add Internet and/or mobile services. The company also noted that it had launched its Business Local Value Package on 3 April 2007 in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. Bell Aliant submitted that this package offers services similar to the Small Business Bundles, as well as increased flexibility and competitive pricing. |
4. |
Bell Aliant indicated that it intends to streamline its products by offering only the Business Local Value Package in the above-noted markets. Bell Aliant submitted that this would provide simplicity for its customers and its service representatives and increase its productivity. The company also indicated that the Business Local Value Package was popular with its customers, further supporting the company's decision to destandardize the Small Business Bundles service. |
5. |
Bell Aliant indicated that new installations, moves, or other changes to the Small Business Bundles service would no longer be allowed, but that existing customers would continue to receive the service. Bell Aliant also indicated that customers migrating to the Business Local Value Package would do so on a voluntary basis. |
6. |
Bell Aliant requested that the Commission make its application effective 10 business days after the date of this Order, which would allow the company sufficient time to finalize its related processes. |
Comments |
7. |
Jury Consulting Services Limited was concerned that the destandardization of the Small Business Bundles service resulted in a recent rate increase to its monthly bill. Millar Productions anticipated that Bell Aliant's proposal could result in it losing its current long distance plan should it change from the Small Business Bundles service. |
8. |
In reply, Bell Aliant noted that the recent rate increase mentioned by Jury Consulting Services Limited was unrelated to its destandardization's proposal. Bell Aliant also noted that, with respect to the concerns of Millar Productions, the subscriber's long distance plan would still be available with the Business Local Value Package. Bell Aliant indicated that it had addressed the subscribers' comments directly with each of them and that no significant objections remained. |
Commission's analysis and determinations |
9. |
The Commission considers that the Business Local Value Package is an appropriate alternative to the Small Business Bundles service. The Commission also considers that Bell Aliant has addressed the concerns of its subscribers, and that the impact of the destandardization on existing customers of the Small Business Bundles service would be minimal. The Commission also considers that Bell Aliant has fulfilled the customer notification and evidentiary requirements of Telecom Circular 2005-7. As such, the Commission considers that Bell Aliant's proposal to destandardize the Small Business Bundles service is reasonable. |
10. |
In light of the above, the Commission approves Bell Aliant's application, to be effective on 11 March 2008. |
Secretary General |
Related document |
- New procedures for disposition of applications dealing with the destandardization and/or withdrawal of tariffed services, Telecom Circular CRTC 2005-7, 30 May 2005
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