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Ottawa, 3 December 2008


File No.:   8690-T66-200814774


Email distribution


Dear Sir/Madam:


Re:   Revised process associated with TCC's application seeking an order to direct the ILECs to file new costs, terms and conditions for support structure service  


On 30 October 2008, the Commission received an application from TELUS Communications Company (TCC), requesting that:   (1) incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) be directed to file updated support structure cost studies and proposed rates, terms and conditions, and (2) current ILEC support structure service rates be made interim with final rates to be adjusted retroactively.


By letter dated 14 November 2008 , Commission staff set out the process for comments and reply comments to address this application.


Commission staff has reviewed the record to date and sets out the following revised process.


1.    All ILECs, including Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) and Télébec, Société en commandite Télébec, Limited Partnership (Télébec), are to notify their support structure customers of the proceeding initiated by TCC 's application, advise them of the process set out in this letter and that the record of this proceeding can be found on the Commission's website, by 9 December 2008.


2.    By 17 December 2008, ILECs may file submissions with the Commission, serving a copy on all parties who have participated in the proceeding to date regarding:


(a)   whether their proposal or, in the case of SaskTel, TCC 's proposal, should be treated as a new application or as an application to a review and vary Revised regulatory framework for wholesale services and definition of essential service, Telecom Decision CRTC 2008-17, 3 March 2008, (Decision 2008-17); and,


(b)   in the event that the Commission finds that their proposal constitutes an application to review and vary Decision 2008-17, why: (i) there is substantial doubt as to the correctness of Telecom Decision 2008-17 with respect to the Commission's finding concerning the pricing of support structures, and (ii) the Commission should consider their proposals given that they have been submitted outside of the 6 month time-frame referred to in Telecom Public Notice 98-6.


3.    As Télébec was inadvertently excluded from the list in the Commission's letter dated 14 November 2008 , Télébec may file its comments with respect to the issues identified in the 14 November 2008 letter, by 17 December 2008, along with its response to 2) above;


4.    Interested parties, other than the ILECs, may file comments, or to the extent that they have already filed comments, may supplement their comments, by 9 January 2009, serving a copy on the ILECs and other parties who have participated in the proceeding to date; and,


5.    ILECs may file reply comments, serving a copy on those parties who filed comments on their proposal by 16 January 2009.


The above material must be filed and served on all parties to this process by the dates set out above and must be received, not merely sent, by those dates.


Yours sincerely,


L'original signed by   


Yvan Davidson
Senior Manager
Competitor Services and Costing


cc :   Pamela Cormier 819-953-9675


Attachment (1)


Attachment eculink.comprogers@osler.comregulatory@primustel.cacanreg.affairs@alcatel-lucent.comlefebvre@rogers.comjhpratt@msn.comdma2@telusplanet.netcedwards@ccsa.cable.caagottlieb@gottliebgroup.caregulatoryca@a ; ; ; ; ;

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