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Ottawa, 21 November 2008

File No.: 8663-K1-200809494

By E-mail

Mr. Stace Gander
Manager, Carrier Access Services
Kenora Municipal Telephone System
110 Matheson Street South
Kenora, Ontario
P9N 1T8

Dear Mr. Gander

RE: KMTS' implementation plan for local competition with Shaw

In a letter dated 27 October 2008, Commission staff requested Kenora Municipal Telephone System (KMTS) to file its cost recovery proposal and its response to Commission questions by 10 November 2008.

In letters dated 7 and 13 November 2008, KMTS requested an extension to 24 November 2008 to file its cost recovery proposal and its response to Commission questions.   KMTS submitted that, while it has been working on the preparation of its cost recovery plan, it was expecting that the Commission would issue its Decision concerning its implementation plan for facilities-based local competition for Shaw Telecom Inc. before the cost recovery proposal would be filed.   KMTS submitted that it will not be in a position to file its documents on the requested date.   KMTS suggested that the Commission modify the process for comments and reply comments accordingly.

KMTS' extension request to 24 November 2008 is accepted.   The process set out in the 27 October 2008 letter is modified such that interested parties will have until 4 December 2008 to provide comments and KMTS will have until 12 November 2008 to provide reply comments.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Dem Magmanlac
Acting Senior Manager, Tariffs

cc: Martin Brazeau, CRTC, (819) 997-3498,
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