ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8663-B7-200813685

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Ottawa, 7 November 2008

File No.: 8663-B7-200813685

By email

Mr. Brian Walden
Kincardine Cable TV Ltd.
223 Bruce Avenue
Kincardine, Ontario   N2Z 2P2

Dear Mr. Walden:

Re:   Application by Kincardine for local competition in Bruce Telecom, Huron and Wightman's territories

In Revised regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers, Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-14, 29 March 2006 (Decision 2006-14), the Commission determined that a small Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (SILEC) would be required to make tariffs for competitor services available to a Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) or a carrier in response to a request for those services. However, the Commission concluded that a small ILEC is only required to file proposed tariffs for competitor services if it receives a bona fide request from a competitor.   The Commission also directed each small ILEC, following a formal signed expression of interest from a LEC or a carrier requesting to use competitor services within a small ILEC's territory, to file an implementation plan with the Commission within 30 days.

On 28 and 29 October 2008, the Commission received letters from Wightman Communications Ltd. (Wightman) and Bruce Telecom (Bruce) regarding Kincardine Cable TV Ltd's (Kincardine) requests for local competition in their territories. Wightman and Bruce argued that 1) Kincardine's requests did not meet the criteria as outlined in Decision 2006-14, and 2) Kincardine's requests were not bona fide.

Kincardine is requested to file with the Commission, by 17 November 2008, its reply to Bruce and Wightman's letters.  

In its reply, Kincardine is also requested to:

a)    Confirm its intention to become a CLEC in the territories of Bruce, Wightman and Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited (Huron), indicate the status of its CLEC application, and identify specific target dates to become a CLEC and to start offering local service in the territory of each of these companies, and

b)   Indicate its plans, including dates, to communicate and/or meet with the companies to provide detailed information on what services it would require from them within the framework of Decision 2006-14, to allow them to develop their implementation plans.

Bruce, Wightman and Huron will have until 25 November 2008, to file reply comments. Each company is to serve a copy of its filing with the Commission on the other companies and Kincardine.

Commission staff notes that Bruce requested for an extension to the filing date for its implementation plan.   The Commission will issue a new process letter specifying revised filing dates, if required, once the date for the companies' reply comments has passed.

Where a document is to be filed by a specific date, the document must be actually received, and not merely sent, by that date.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs

cc:   Hans Nilsson, Bruce Telecom,  
       Glenn R. Grubb, Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited,  
       Paul Wightman, Wightman Communications Ltd.,   
       Martin Brazeau, CRTC, (819) 997-3498,

Date Modified: 2008-11-07
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