ARCHIVED - Telecom Commsision Letter - 8640-B54-200813164

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File No.:   8640-B54-200813164

Ottawa, 6 October 2008

By E-mail

Mr. Denis E. Henry
Vice-President - Regulatory affairs
Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
110 O'Connor St., 14th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 1H1

Dear Mr. Henry :

Re: Part VII application for forbearance from the regulation of business local exchange services in the exchange of North Bay, Ontario.

On 30 September 2008, the Commission received the above-mentioned Part VII application by Bell Aliant pursuant to Telecom Decision 2006-15 as amended by the Governor in Council's Order Varying Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-15 , P.C. 2007-532, 4 April 2007 .

In a letter dated 3 October 2008 , Bell Aliant informed the Commission that it wished to withdraw this application for the time being.

Bell Aliant's request to withdraw the Part VII application is accepted and accordingly, the Commission file is now closed.  

Yours sincerely, 

Original signed by

Mario Bertrand
A/Director, Competition Implementation and Technology

cc :  Michel Messier, Cogeco Cable Canada Inc.  
       Kathleen Turnsek, ExaTEL Inc.  
       Tracy Cant, O.N. Tel Inc c.o.b. (Ontera)  
       Ted Woodhead, TELUS Communications Company

Date Modified: 2008-10-06
Date modified: