ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8640-B54-200807729

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Ottawa, 25 June 2008

File No.:   8640-B54-200807729

By email

Mr. Denis E. Henry
Vice-President, Regulatory Affairs
Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
110 O'Connor Street, 14th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 1H1

Dear Mr. Henry :

Re:   Part VII application for forbearance from the regulation of residential local exchange services in the exchange of Pembroke, Ontario

On 30 May 2008, the Commission received the above-mentioned Part VII application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership.

In Service standards for the disposition of telecommunications applications , Telecom Circular CRTC 2006-11, 7 December 2006, the Commission stated that it would categorize Part VII applications into two types:   Type 1 applications that generally do not involve multiple parties or raise significant policy issues and Type 2 applications that do involve multiple parties and/or raise significant policy issues

The Commission also adopted the following service standards for Part VII applications:

•  Type 1 Part VII applications - 90 percent of determinations to be issued on an interim or final basis within four months of the close-of-record; and

•  Type 2 Part VII applications - 85 percent of determinations to be issued on an interim or final basis within eight months of the close-of-record.

The Commission stated that it would inform applicants, by letter, within 10 days of the end of the comment period for applications, whether the application is considered to be a Type 1 or Type 2 application, and the applicable service standard.

Commission staff has assessed the above application and considers it to be a Type 1 application.   Accordingly, the Commission expects to issue an interim or final determination within four months of the close-of-record.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Mario Bertrand
Acting Director, Competition Implementation and Technology

cc:  Kenneth Engelhart, Rogers Communications Inc. 
         Ted Woodhead, TELUS Communications Company 
          Stephen Lynn, NTRC Communications 

Date Modified: 2008-06-25
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