ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8661-S9-200510588
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LetterOttawa, 12 June 2008 File No.: 8661-S9-200510588 Abridged By email Mr. Jean Brazeau Dear Mr Brazeau: RE: Part VII application by Shaw Communications Inc. to revise TBayTel PSO tariff rate Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) is requested to file its response to the attached interrogatories, and serve copies on TBayTel, by 30 June 2008. One of the attached interrogatories is being asked in confidence given that it contains information received from Shaw on a confidential basis. Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document must be actually received, and not merely sent, by that date. Yours sincerely, Original signed by Mario Bertrand cc: David Wilkie, TBayTel Attachment Attachment Interrogatories to Shaw Communications Inc. 1. Provide a copy of the most recent signed agreement(s) between Shaw Communications Inc. and Thunder Bay Hydro with respect to pole attachment rates, terms and conditions for the Partial Systems Offering (PSO). 2. With regard to the rate being charged by Thunder Bay Hydro to Shaw:
3. Describe the respective responsibilities, if any, of TBayTel and Shaw to perform the repairs and maintenance of the PSO including the strand. Identify any other entity that may perform these functions. 4. In interrogatory response Shaw(CRTC)10April08-1, Shaw stated that the PSO is attached to 8,113 Thunder Bay Hydro poles. In TBayTel(CRTC)10April08-3, TBayTel stated that TBayTel strand supporting the PSO is attached to 13,680 Thunder Bay Hydro poles.
5. In interrogatory response Shaw(CRTC)10April08-1, Shaw stated that the PSO is attached to 406 TBayTel poles. In TBayTel(CRTC)10April08-3, TBayTel stated that TBayTel strand supporting the PSO is attached to 130 TBayTel poles. Provide an explanation for the differences in the number of poles. 6. (a) Confirm that Shaw owns all the subscriber drops and amplifiers related to the PSO plant. If not, identify the entity that owns these facilities.
7. (a) Indicate whether the subscriber drops and or amplifiers are anchored directly to TBayTel and Thunder Bay Hydro poles. Date Modified: 2008-06-12 |
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