ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8622-C51-200805153 

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Ottawa, 10 June 2008

File No.: 8622-C51-200805153

Mr. Mirko Bibic,
Chief, Regulatory Affairs
Bell Canada 

Dear Mr. Bibic:

Re: Application requesting certain orders directing Bell Canada to cease and desist from “throttling” its wholesale ADSL Access Services

The Commission is in receipt of a submission dated 6 June 2008 by the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP) requesting public disclosure of information filed in confidence by Bell Canada in its responses to the Commission's interrogatories dated 29 May 2008.

In this letter, Commission staff sets out modifications to the process set out in its 15 May 2008 letter associated with the disposition of CAIP's application to address CAIP's request.

Bell Canada is to file with the Commission and serve on CAIP its response to requests for public disclosure by 13 June 2008.

By that date, Bell Canada is further requested to provide the information requested in the Attachment to this letter. Commission staff notes the further information requested in this additional interrogatory relates to information provided by Bell Canada in response to Bell Canada(CRTC)15May08-2, in respect of which CAIP has requested disclosure.  Accordingly, if it requests that this additional information be retained in confidence, Bell Canada is to provide its views as to why this additional information requested in the Attachment should not be disclosed on the public record.

A determination will be issued with respect to CAIP's requests for further information and public disclosure as soon as possible.

As a result of the above process to dispose of CAIP's requests for disclosure of confidential information, the deadlines set out in Commission staff's 15 May letter for filing submissions in relation to CAIP's original application will no longer apply.  A revised process will be established in the Commission staff's letter disposing of CAIP's requests for disclosure. 

Documents to be filed and served in accordance with the above process must be received, not merely sent, by the dates indicated. 

Yours sincerely,

"Original signed by P. Godin"

Paul Godin,
Director General,
Competition, Costing and Tariffs

cc:  CAIP ,Tom Copeland,


Question to Bell Canada:

Refer to the chart illustrating the number of congested links that Bell Canada included on page 7 of Bell Canada(CRTC)15May08-2.

For each link type (i.e. central office DSLAM, aggregation network, BAS, and backbone network), for each month for the period of March 2007 to April 2008 and for each region (Ontario and Quebec), provide the following:

a)  the number of congested links associated with the quantities depicted;

b)  the total number of links (i.e. congested and non-congested) in the company's network

Date Modified: 2008-06-10

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