Ottawa, 16 April 2008
Our File: 8663-C12-200803032
By E-Mail
To: Interested Parties List - Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2008-2
Re: Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2008-2, Review of approval mechanisms for retail and CLEC tariffs in light of Telecom Decision 2007-51
By the schedule set forth in Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2008-2 (PN 2008-2), parties were to file comments by 4 April 2008 and reply comments by 22 April 2008 . On 4 April 2008 the Commission received a letter from TELUS stating that TELUS was unable to file its comments and interrogatory responses by 4 April 2008 but anticipated that it would file its submissions during the week of 7 April 2008 . Interested parties to PN 2008-2 were copied on TELUS' letter. TELUS filed its comments and interrogatory responses with the Commission, serving a copy on other parties, on 11 April 2008 .
In view of the timing of TELUS' submission, the date for reply comments with respect to PN 2008-2 is extended from 22 April 2008 to 25 April 2008 .
Yours sincerely,
Original signed by
William Lloyd
Manager , Telecommunications Policy
c.c: Ian MacMillan (819) 934-6350 ian.macmillan@crtc.gc.ca
Distribution List:
JohnP@mountaincable.on.ca ; regaffairs@quebecor.com ; documents@accesscomm.ca ; natalie.macdonald@corp.eastlink.ca ; mandrews@amtelecom.ca ; alain.duhaime@sogetel.com ; regulatory.affairs@telus.com ; regulatory@bell.aliant.ca ; rambacher@amtelecom.ca ; regulr@bmts.com ; lisa.marogna@citywest.ca ; sbishay@iristel.com ; nicolet@puc.net ; gcordeau@maskatel.qc.ca ; Tiffany.schell@rci.rogers.com ; rob.olenick@tbaytel.com ; brenda.stevens@rci.rogers.com ; Regulatory@sjrb.ca ; jboutros@globility.ca ; regmat@ntl.nt.net ; tracy.cant@ontera.ca ; pwightman@wightman.ca ; jesse@vianet.ca ; reglementa@telebec.com ; ian.stevens@execulink.com ; regulatory@execulink.com ; document.control@sasktel.sk.ca ; pdowns@nexicom.net ; regulatory@distributel.ca ; andrew@isptelecom.net ; president@durhamtelecom.com ; gcordeau@maskatel.qc.ca ; mlaurent@cooptel.qc.ca ; mrocheleau@cooptel.qc.ca ; paul.frappier@telmilot.com ; nantel@tellambton.net ; alain.duhaime@sogetel.com ; ataylor@personainc.ca ; tim.deweerd@quadro.net ; lisa@brooketel.ca ; pgillis@dryden.ca ; gosfield@gosfieldtel.com ; a.schneider@hay.net ; grubb@hurontel.on.ca ; dreynard@kmts.biz ; wagrier@1000island.net ; rbanks@mornington.ca ; steve@wtccommunications.ca ; nfrontenac@kw.igs.net ; roxboro@ontarioeast.net ; sachuter@tcc.on.ca ; barb@wtccommunications.ca ; jpatry@telcourcelles.qc.ca ; nantel@tellambton.net ; telvic@telvic.net ; j-fmathieu@telupton.qc.ca ; rroy@telwarwick.qc.ca ; telstep@telstep.net ; gcordeau@maskatel.qc.ca ; bell.regulatory@bell.ca ; jane.gagnon@mtsallstream.com ; iworkstation@mtsallstream.com ; regulatoryaffairs@nwtel.ca ; telecom.regulatory@cogeco.com ; ctacit@tacitlaw.com ; angusoliver320@gmail.com ; mike_aumond@gov.nt.ca ; regulatory@lya.com ; progers@osler.com ; regulatory@primustel.ca ; andre.labrie@mcccf.gouv.qc.ca ;
Date Modified: 2008-04-16 |