ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8661-S9-200510588
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LetterOttawa, 10 April 2008 File No.: 8661-S9-200510588 By email Mr Rob Olenick Dear Mr Olenick: RE: Part VII application by Shaw Communications Inc. to revise TBayTel PSO tariff rate TBayTel is requested to file its response to the attached interrogatories, and serve copies on Shaw Communications Inc., by 21 April 2008 . Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document must be actually received, and not merely sent, by that date. Yours sincerely, Original signed by Mario Bertrand cc: Jean Brazeau Shaw Communications Inc. Attachment Attachment Interrogatories to TBayTel 1. At paragraph 13 of its 7 October 2005 comments, TBayTel states:
(a) Itemize and e xplain in detail each component of the Partial Cable-Distribution Cable System (PSO) arrangement accounted for under Fixed Structure Costs. (b) Indicate what portion of the $0.71 is attributable to "Allocation of Fixed Structure Costs". (c) Clarify what is meant by the statement that the $0.71 rate did not contain a lease component. 2. (a) Confirm that all the PSO is supported by TBayTel strand. (b) If not, indicate how much of the PSO in meters is not supported by TBayTel strand. 3. (a) Provide the number of Thunder Bay Hydro poles on which TBayTel's strand supporting the PSO plant, is attached. (b) Provide the number of poles TBayTel poles, if applicable, on which TBayTel's strand supporting the PSO plant, is attached. 4. Confirm that the TBayTel strand supporting the PSO plant is used exclusively to support the PSO plant. 5. Provide a copy of the joint use pole agreement between TBayTel and Thunder Bay Hydro. 6. Does TBayTel pay Thunder Bay Hydro one pole attachment rate per pole when the PSO plant and other TBayTel facilities are on the same pole. If so, provide the rate per month and per year. 7. At paragraph 21 of its 7 October 2005 comments, TBayTel states:
Indicate what portion of the PSO rate of $0.71 per 30 meters of cable covers the pole attachment rate. 8. In view of paragraphs 7, 8 and 9 of TBayTel's comments da ted 7 December 2007 , indicate whether the PSO tariff rate of $0.71 per 30 meters of cable includes a component for support structure costs for attachments to Thunder Bay Hydro's poles. If so, indicate what portion of the $0.71 per 30 meters of cable covers support structure costs for Thunder Bay Hydro's poles. 9. With reference to paragraph 7 of TBayTel's comments dated 7 December 2007 , is TBayTel stating that $0.53 of the $0.71 per 30 metres of cable rate for the PSO is attributable to a pole attachment fee. 10. With reference to paragraph 8 of TBayTel's comments dated 7 December 2007 , clarify the assets to which TBayTel is referring. 11. In view of paragraph 21 of TBayTel's comments dated 7 October 2005 and paragraphs 7, 8 and 9 of TBayTel's comments da ted 7 December 2007, explain how TBayTel's tariff rate for PSO is just and reasonable pursuant to section 27 of the Telecommunications Act . Date Modified: 2008-04-10 |
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