ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8640-S22-200804410

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File No.:   8640-S22-200804410

Ottawa, 8 April 2008

By E-mail

Mr. Robert Hersche
Director of Regulatory Affairs
Saskatchewan Telecommunications
2121 Saskatchewan Drive
Regina , Saskatchewan
S4P 3Y2

Dear Mr Hersche :

Re:   Part VII application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications for forbearance from the regulation of residence local exchange services in the exchange of Regina, Saskatchewan

The Commission is in receipt of a letter from Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) indicating that on 8 April 2008, it provided Access Communications

Co-operative Limited (Access Communications) with a copy of the abovementioned application dated 25 March 2008.

In light of the above, comments on this application, including comments from Access Communications, may be filed by 28 April 2008.   SaskTel may file reply comments by 5 May 2008 .

Where a document is to be filed by a specific date, the document must be actually received, and not merely sent, by that date.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Mario Bertrand
Acting Director
Competition Implementation and Technology

cc:   Access Communications :

Date Modified: 2008-04-08
Date modified: