ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8622-O2-200616344

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Ottawa, 9 January 2008

File No. 8622-O2-200616344

By E-mail

Richard Banks
Ontario Telecommunications Association

Michel Laurent
La Société d'Administration des Tarifs d'Accès des Télécommunications

Hans O. Nilson
President CEO
Bruce Telecom

Re: Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-72 - Wireless Number Portability and Related Matters

On 1 December 2006, the Ontario Telecommunications Association (OTA), La Soci é t é d'Administration des Tarifs d'Acc è s des T élécommunications and Bruce Telecom (the Companies), on behalf of the small incumbent local exchange carriers (SILECs) filed a letter with the Commission regarding the requirement for SILECs to implement wireless number portability in their territories. A number of subsequent submissions by Rogers Communications Inc., TBayTel and the OTA were filed with the Commission.

On 30 November 2007, on behalf of the SILECs, the OTA filed, with the Commission, a Part VII application requesting that the Commission modify the number portability framework put in place by Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-14 to permit the introduction of wireless number portability in the SILECs' territories. In the application, the Companies noted that this application superseded its previous proposal and that they wished to withdraw that proposal.

Commission staff considers that it is appropriate for the original proposal to be withdrawn, since it has now been superseded by the more recent Part VII application filing with the Commission. Commission staff will, therefore, consider the original proposal as withdrawn and that file will now be closed.


Original signed by Paul Godin

Paul Godin
Director General
Competition, Costing and Tariffs

c.c.:  Dawn Hunt
        Rogers Communications Inc.

        David A Wilkie

        Mike Cawood

       Bill Mason

Date Modified: 2008-01-09
Date modified: