Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2007-5-1
Ottawa, 16 April 2007
Incumbent local exchange carrier applications for local forbearance - Methodology to be used where quality of service (Q of S) results are excluded for purposes of the competitor Q of S rate rebate plan
Reference: 8660-C12-200705585
The Commission is issuing corrections to paragraphs 5 and 9 of Incumbent local exchange carrier applications for local forbearance - Methodology to be used where quality of service (Q of S) results are excluded for purposes of the competitor Q of S rate rebate plan, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2007-5, 13 April 2007.
Paragraph 5 should read as follows:
5. Effective 4 April 2007, the Governor in Council (GIC) issued Order Varying Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-15, P.C. 2007-532 (the Order). In the Order, the GIC determined, among other things, that for a forbearance determination to be granted, an ILEC must demonstrate that during a six-month period, beginning no earlier than eight months before its application for local forbearance and ending at any time before the Commission's decision respecting the application, it met, on average, the standards for each of the specified nine competitor Q of S indicators with respect to the services provided to competitors in its territory.
Paragraph 9 should read as follows:
9. Interested parties may file reply comments with the Commission, serving a copy on all parties to the proceeding initiated by Public Notice 2005-2 and all other parties that provided comments pursuant to paragraph 8, by 4 May 2007.
Secretary General
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