ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8740-T78-200411314

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Ottawa, 6 December 2007

File No.:   8740-T78-200411314

Allen Mercier
Director, Regulation
Télébec, Limited Partnership
7151 Jean-Talon Street East, 7th floor
Anjou, Quebec
H1M 3N8

By e-mail

Subject: Approach to handling certain applications for competitor services

Dear Sir:

In a letter dated 2 October 2007, consistent with the 14 December 2006 Policy Direction and Decision 2007-77, pending the Commission's determinations in the proceeding begun by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-14, (the essential services proceeding), the Commission maintained interim approval of the competitor services provided under certain applications for tariff notices (TNs).

Also, consistent with the above-mentioned Policy Direction, the Commission maintains interim approval of the services offered under tariff notices 309 and 310, [1] pending its determinations in the proceeding begun by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-14.

The Commission does not intend to modify the tariffs and the terms and conditions for these services retroactively.

Yours truly,

Original signed by

Robert A. Morin

[1] The Commission's letter dated 2 October 2007 does not refer to these TNs.


Ethernet services, Telecom Order CRTC 2007-20, 25 January 2007

Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership for services provided in the Atlantic Provinces - ADSL Access Service and ADSL WAN Service , Telecom Order CRTC 2007-21, 25 January 2007

Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership for services provided in Ontario and Quebec - Gateway Access Service and High Speed Access Service , Telecom Order CRTC 2007-22, 25 January 2007

Saskatchewan Telecommunications - Aggregated Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Service, Telecom Order CRTC  2007-24, 25 January 2007

TELUS Communications Company - Network-to-Network Interface Service, Wide Area Network ADSL Service, and Wholesale Internet ADSL Service , Telecom Order CRTC 2007-25, 25 January 2007

Applications to review and vary Ethernet and ADSL Orders , Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-77, 31 August 2007

Review of regulatory framework for wholesale services and definition of essential service , Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-14, 9 November 2006, amended by Telecom Notices CRTC 2006-14-1, 15  December 2006; 2006-14-2, 15 February 2007; 2006-14-3, 16 March 2007; and 2006-14, 20 March 2007

Order Issuing a Direction to the CRTC on Implementing the Canadian Telecommunications Policy Objectives , P.C. 2006-1534, effective 14 December 2006

Date Modified: 2007-12-06
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