ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8698-C12-14/01

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Ottawa, 25 October 2007

File No.: 8698-C12-14/01

By E-mail

Mr. Glenn Pilley
Canadian Numbering Administrator
Science Applications International Corporation
60 Queen St., Suite 1516
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5Y7

Re: Relief for Area Code 418

Dear Mr. Pilley,

On 21 September 2007 , you wrote to me concerning the serious jeopardy condition that presently exists in area code 418. In that letter you noted that the forecasted demand for Central Office (CO) codes will result in the exhaust of area code 418 in the same month that relief, through the introduction of a new overlay area code, will be implemented. As such, you noted that any forecasted CO code demand would result in area code exhaust prior to CO code relief being implemented.

On 5 October 2007 an industry conference call was convened to discuss the implications of wireless number portability and its need for CO code assignments for the creation of location routing numbers. Staff noted that unless a CO code has been included in a company's J-NRUF for area code 418, its assignment would not be approved by staff. This approach is necessary as you have noted that exhaust will occur in the same month that relief is to be implemented, and several other companies have already been required to adjust their CO code requirements to ensure that the supply will last until relief can be put in place.

Staff also noted that when the Commission approved the wireless number portability roll-out schedule in CISC working group reports on regulatory issues related to the implementation of wireless number portability , Telecom Decision CRTC2006-74, 22 November 2006, it noted that the roll-out schedule may have to adjusted if it creates a situation where CO code exhaust occurs that cannot be solved before relief can be provided.

Staff notes that, to date, the J-NRUF results have been used to evaluate the CO code demand requirements against the available assignment pool, and following the J-NRUFs have been sufficient to balance demand against supply. However, if this process proves to be inadequate in the coming months, staff is prepared to look at additional measures to ensure that the assignment pool lasts until relief is in place.  

Staff also notes that the NPA 418 relief planning committee (RPC) will be meeting shortly to develop further jeopardy condition procedures for Commission approval. Staff encourages this effort and requests that the RPC finalize and submit these additional procedures to the Commission as quickly as possible,

Staff further notes that since the relief will occur just as the assignment pool is expected to exhaust, there is no possibility to delay the relief implementation date if a particular industry sector is not ready to implement 10-digit dialling in accordance with the relief implementation plan. In such an instance, staff considers that relief will still need to proceed and affected parties will be expected to resolve their dialling issues as quickly as possible. Therefore, staff further encourages the RPC to take all the necessary steps and measures to ensure that all affected parties in area code 418 are fully aware of the urgent need to make all required changes to their systems so that they can support 10-digit local dialling when it must come into effect.


Original signed by Paul Godin

Original signed by

Paul Godin
Director General
Competition, Costing and Tariffs

cc:   Bill Mason

Date Modified: 2007-10-25
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