ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8665-C12-200711756

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File No. 8665-C12-200711756


Ottawa, 25 September 2007

Me Marie-Eve Rancourt
Analyse politique et réglementation télécommunication, radiodiffusion
Union des consommateurs
6226 rue Saint-Hubert
Montréal (Québec)
H2S 2M2

Re :   Proceeding to consider the delegation of the Commission's investigative powers with regard to Unsolicited Telecommunications Rules complaints , Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2007-15, 22 August 2007 - Request to suspend the proceeding

Dear Me Rancourt:

This is in response to your letter of 13 September 2007, requesting that the proceeding initiated by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2007-15, Proceeding to consider the delegation of the Commission's investigative powers with regard to Unsolicited Telecommunications Rules complaints (PN 2007-15) be temporarily suspended.   According to Union des consommateurs, until a decision is issued in Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2007-16 Proceeding to consider the organization and mandate of the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services (CCTS) (PN 2007-16), it is not in a position to provide comments on the possible delegation of certain Commission powers to the CCTS.

In the PN 2007-15 proceeding, parties were invited to comment on the Commission's intent to delegate its investigative powers with regard to Unsolicited Telecommunications Rules complaints to a third party and to identify such parties.   Although the issues in the two proceedings are linked, and provision has been made to incorporate the two records, Commission staff considers that suspending the PN 2007-15 proceeding could cause an unnecessary delay in the implementation and use of the Commission's new investigation and enforcement powers with respect to the Unsolicited Telecommunications Rules.

Accordingly, the request to temporarily suspend the PN 2007-15 proceeding is denied.

Yours truly,

John Traversy,
Director General,
Policy and Consumer Affairs

Date Modified: 2007-09-25
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