ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8663-C12-200614439
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LetterFile Number: 8663-C12-200614439 Ottawa, 21 August 2007 By Electronic mail To: Interested Parties List - PN 2006-14 Re: Review of regulatory framework for wholesale services and definition of essential service - Information required regarding the oral hearing In order to assist in organizing and preparing for the oral hearing phase of the proceeding initiated by Telecom CRTC Public Notice 2006-14 dated 9 November 2006, Review of regulatory framework for wholesale services and definition of essential service (Public Notice 2006-14, 2006-14-1, 2006-14-2, 2006-14-3, 2006-14-4; collectively, PN 2006-14), the information listed below is required and should be received, not merely sent via On-Line Services form, by the dates specified below. Also, a courtesy copy of this information should be sent to the hearing Secretary at the following address: It is expected that the Commission will issue a decision on the organization and conduct of the oral hearing in September. Information relating to witnesses Parties who have filed (or are filing) evidence and who intend to call witnesses should provide a list of the witnesses they intend to call, indicating:
whether they would appear individually or in a panel, and if in a panel, the composition of the panel and the subject matter of the panel's testimony. In responding, it would be appreciated if parties would address which panels will be responsible for each of the issues identified in paragraph 29 of PN 2006-14, and any other issues. This information should be filed, with a copy served on all interested parties by 5 September 2007. Intention to cross-examine Parties who wish to cross-examine one or more witnesses at the hearing should so advise the Commission by 12 September 2007 specifying, where possible, which witnesses (or subject-areas) they wish to have available for cross-examination and providing preliminary estimates of the amount of time they expect to need for different areas of cross-examination. It will be assumed that those who do not so advise do not intend to cross-examine witnesses. Where possible, parties are encouraged to jointly cross-examine other parties. OTHER MATTERS Intention to appear In accordance with paragraph 50 of PN 2006-14, parties were to indicate by 14 August 2007 , whether they intended to appear at the oral hearing commencing 9 October 2007. The parties that have indicated their intention to participate are set out in the attached Appendix. Any change to this list should be communicated to the Commission forthwith. Opening statements Given time constraints and the volume of material already filed in connection with this proceeding, the intention is for parties not to present oral opening statements. Nevertheless, the intention would be to allow parties to file written opening statements of no more than 10 pages in length one week prior to the commencement of the hearing (copies of which should be served on all other parties). Oral final argument In Public Notice 2006-14, the Commission stated that all parties may file argument with the Commission with a copy served on all other parties by 9 November 2007. In order to assist in the planning of the hearing, parties are to state whether they wish to present oral final argument (in addition to written final argument) by 5 September 2007. A decision on whether final oral argument will be allowed will be issued in due course. Yours sincerely, (Original signed by)
Robert G. Martin Attachment
c.c.: P. McCallum, CRTC (819) 953-2197 APPENDIX List of Participants
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