ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8740-B20-200710980

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Ottawa, 17 August 2007

File No.: 8740-B20-200710980

Mr. David Palmer
Director - Regulatory Affairs
Bell Canada
110 O'Connor St, 7th Floor
Ottawa , ON
K1P 1H1

Dear Mr. Palmer

Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 884

On 26 July 2007 , Bell Canada filed an application with the Commission, under cover of Tariff Notice 884, seeking approval of revisions to the company's National Services Tariff, Item 722.11.   The proposed revisions would introduce a minimum revenue guarantee to the tariff.   Bell Canada indicated in its application that the proposed modifications were intended to provide new customers with service volume flexibility while ensuring that the company would not provide the services included in the arrangement below cost.

In a letter dated 9 August 2007, the Commission informed Bell Canada that it would defer consideration of its application until a decision has been issued in the proceeding initiated by Bell Canada's application dated 2 September 2005 and entitled Part VII Application requesting that the Commission modify the bundling rules governing Customer Specific Arrangements involving the provision of both tariffed and non-tariffed services (file no: 8622-B2-200510463).

Commission staff notes that a decision in the above referenced proceeding was issued by the Commission on 17 August 2007 .   In order for the Commission to proceed with consideration of Bell Canada 's Tariff Notice 884, the company is requested to provide a comprehensive answer, including any supporting information, to the attached question by 27 August 2007.

Yours sincerely,

'Original signed by D. Magmanlac'

Dem Magmanlac
Acting Senior Manager, Tariffs

cc.: Eric Bowles, (819) 953-5672,

Bell (NST) TN 884 

(1)  Confirm, with all requisite numbers and calculations provided in support, that Bell Canada's proposed revisions to National Services Tariff, Item 722.11 fully comply with the pricing rules set out in Bell Canada - Application to modify the rules for mixed Type 2 customer-specific arrangements , Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-74, 17 August 2007

Date Modified: 2007-08-17
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