ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8740-B2-200708761
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LetterOttawa, 25 July 2007
File Nos. 8740-B2-200708761
Mr. David Palmer Dear Mr. Palmer: Re: Interrogatories Associated with Bell Canada Tariff Notice 7039 and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership Tariff Notice 95 Regarding the Introduction of a Port-Out Cancellation Service for Local Number Portability (LNP) and Wireless Number Portability (WNP) - 10 Digit Global Title Translation (10D GTT)-Access to Service Control Point, Access Services Tariff Item 115 Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (the Companies) are requested to respond to the attached interrogatories by 25 August 2007 . Responses are to be filed with the Commission and served on all parties that commented on the applications. Yours sincerely, 'Original signed by Y. Davidson''
Yvan Davidson cc: Patrick Owens, CRTC (819) 953-7159 Attachment ATTACHMENT Interrogatories related to Bell TN 7039 and Bell Aliant TN 95 1. In the economic study accompanying their Tariff Notices, the Companies have described the service provisioning costs causal to service demand as ongoing expenses associated with the port-out order cancellation procedure and administrative activities that have been estimated using "explicit time estimates". Provide a detailed description of the process involved in a port-out cancellation, identifying the systems that are involved, the activities that are involved at each step of the process and the costs for each of these activities on a per port-out cancellation basis. 2. The Companies have indicated that the economic study is based on a demand forecast for the volume of total port-out cancellations and the volume of port-out cancellations that were subject to the proposed charge. At paragraph 7 of the Companies' 13 July 2007 reply comments, the Companies submitted that the proposed charge provides a financial incentive for service providers to control the number of cancellation requests that they make in order to avoid the charge. Confirm that the demand forecast indicates that while the overall volume of port-out cancellations declines in response to the proposed tariff, the proportion of port-out cancellations that are subject to the charge increases; and, if so, explain how this result would be consistent with the proposition that, under the proposed tariff, service providers would be incented to avoid the charge by not making excessive port-out cancellations. Date Modified: 2007-07-25 |
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