ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8640-T78-200708290

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Ottawa, 10 July 2007

By E-mail

Our File No.: 8640-T78-200708290

Dennis Béland
Director, Regulatory Affairs
Vidéotron ltée

Re: A pplication for forbearance from the regulation of residential local exchange services in the exchange of Ste-Victoire

Dear Mr. Béland:

In order for the Commission to make a decision relating to the application for forbearance from the regulation of residential local exchange services in the exchange of Ste-Victoire, Commission staff requests that Vidéotron ltée (Vidéotron) file its response to the attached interrogatory, and serve a copy on all parties, by 16 July 2007.

Yours sincerely,

"Original signed by L. Fancy"

Lynne Fancy
Acting Director
Competition Implementation and Technology

c.c. :  Marianne Blais
          Senior Analyst
          Competition Implementation and Technology
          (819) 997-4588



Application for forebearance from the regulation of residential local exchange services in the exchange of Ste-Victoire:

List the reasons why Vidéotron is capable of offering telecommunications services to less than 75% of the number of households in Ste-Victoire.

Date Modified: 2007-07-10
Date modified: