Ottawa, 6 July 2007
File No: 8678-C12-200615578
Ms. Myfanwy Bowman
Public Interest Law Centre
610 - 294 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 0B9
Dear Ms. Bowman:
Re: Review of proposals to dispose of the funds accumulated in the deferral accounts, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-15 - MKO Request for public hearing
This letter constitutes the Commission's determination with respect to the request of the Public Interest Law Centre on behalf of Manitoba Keewatinook Okimowin (MKO) for a public hearing in Manitoba in the context of the proceeding initiated by Review of proposals to dispose of the funds accumulated in the deferral accounts , Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-15, 30 November 2006 (Public Notice 2006-15).
By letter dated 28 March 2007 , MKO requested that the Commission hold an oral public hearing with respect to MTS Allstream Inc.'s (MTS Allstream) proposals to dispose of the funds accumulated in its deferral account. MKO submitted that this was required to ensure that all parties, including persons with disabilities, Manitobans living in rural and remote communities that do not have access to broadband service, and alternate broadband service providers have a full and meaningful opportunity to understand, assess and comment on MTS Allstream's proposals. MKO indicated that, as an alternative, the Commission could hold public consultations, but that a full public hearing with oral evidence and cross examination would be the most useful.
By letter dated 18 April 2007 , MTS Allstream opposed MKO's request. MTS Allstream submitted that the Commission had already established a comprehensive written process that provided interested parties ample opportunity to question and comment on the proposals. MTS Allstream also submitted that, consistent with the Commission's determinations in Disposition of funds in the deferral accounts , Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-9, 16 February 2006 , it had consulted with the Manitoba provincial government and advocacy organizations for persons with disabilities prior to submitting its proposals to the Commission for approval.
The Commission considers that under the procedure set out in Public Notice 2006-15, as amended by Commission letter dated 26 April 2007 , parties have an adequate opportunity to understand, assess and comment on the proposals submitted by the incumbent local exchange carriers. The Commission considers that the existing process permits an appropriate level of public participation, as well as the compilation of a sufficient record on which to base the Commission's determinations, while allowing for a decision to be issued and implemented in a timely manner. In the Commission's view, an oral hearing is neither necessary nor appropriate in the circumstances of this proceeding.
In light of the above, the Commission denies MKO's request for an oral public hearing or for public consultations in Manitoba .
'Original signed by R. A. Morin'
Robert A. Morin
Secretary General
cc: Michel Murray, CRTC (819) 997-9300, michel.murray@crtc.gc.ca
Interested parties to the Public Notice 2006-15 proceeding
Interested Parties to Public Notice 2006-15
regulatory.affairs@telus.com ; document.control@sasktel.sk.ca ; bell.regulatory@bell.ca ; iworkstation@mtsallstream.com ; sniven@shaw.ca ; sp_cathcart@yahoo.ca ; dpingitore@lightspeed.ca ; sturner99@rogers.com ; elbrt4@rogers.com ; tmcampbell@rogers.com ; howardn@douglas.bc.ca ; aliciaponciano@shaw.ca ; merv.bev.sanders@sasktel.net ; macinniscarol@hotmail.com ; timz24@hotmail.com ; d_horychun@hotmail.com ; alandcharlenequirk@hotmail.com ; freedom_1992@hotmail.com ; jemclaren@rogers.com ; jonathanguinta@shaw.ca ; isgeja@hotmail.com ; merv.bev.sanders@sasktel.net ; richmane@gov.ns.ca ; leon.ally.vv@sasktel.net ; sheilapacket@hotmail.com ; fordgk@shaw.ca ; gmkennedy@cogeco.ca ; timkaringrieman@yahoo.ca ; gmkennedy@cogeco.ca ; justin.debaie@ns.sympatico.ca ; dar.pam@shaw.ca ; robert_weppler@msn.com ; carver@shaw.ca ; calvinpoortinga@hotmail.com ; smithtr_@hotmail.com ; angel_jayden19@hotmail.com ; sheilapacket@hotmail.com ; wilsonchristine@rogers.com ; rfee34@msn.com ; cpresley@rogers.com ; kasearson@rogers.com ; sg3birley@hotmail.com ; eeadie@mts.net ; mark@mcsnet.ca ; justdidit@generation.net ; ruwruw@gmail.com ; brant.jeffery@mycanopy.net ; serge@serbernet.com ; lbcconsulting@hotmail.com ; deafwanderer@hotmail.com ; whisperingbreeze@hfx.eastlink.ca ; lizwarren@sasktel.net ; jboutros@globility.ca ; bettyj@sasktel.net ; dunkley9@yahoo.com ; mecbell@rogers.com ; craigloehr@yahoo.ca ; s.milers.neverlose@hotmail.com ; richard.mcnicoll@crim.ca ; che76.bo@telus.net ; cataylor@cyberus.ca ; jlarose.aptn@gmail.com ; david.watt@rci.rogers.com ; kdurs@shaw.ca ; bkapsa@cogeco.ca ; See comment ; bcgrey_bear@hotmail.com ; bsk@valkyrieriders.com ; morin_sm@yahoo.ca ; kc.2020@hotmail.com ; gerichard@rogers.com ; rikerstarr@yahoo.com ; sharonkalk@shaw.ca ; whbford2000@yahoo.com ; smacfayd@vcc.ca ; amadill@hwy16.com ; bmykle@telus.net ; kristen.pranzl@gov.bc.ca ; jodi.birley@gov.bc.ca ; bruce@sis.ca ; james@sis.ca ; terry@netago.ca ; stacy@digicomts.com ; boris@coool.ca ; nratcliffe@skyrydernet.com ; matthewa@bcwireless.net ; ine@ccdonline.ca ; scott.mannering@blueskynet.ca ; cgrant@grant.ca ; thargrave@enerplus.com ; jacquesracicot@surdite.org ; chloe.corcoran@usask.ca ; cbergbusch@sasktel.net ; xmasflower1257@hotmail.com ; leonorjohnson@hotmail.com ; ; stark.chris@rogers.com ; Davobergeron@yahoo.ca ; anderson4200@shaw.ca ; gphoeppner@shaw.ca ; takachin_69@hotmail.com ; deaftravel11@hotmail.com ; harveyca21@yahoo.com ; kdurs@shaw.ca ; humptyj@hotmail.com ; ctbelleau@yahoo.ca ; blackwell@giganomics.ca ; ronpegfee@telus.net ; waltsask@shaw.ca ; sophiet@sasktel.net ; elainemanning@gmail.com ; dez.rayzak@ontario.ca ; todd.tobin@statcan.ca ; ottawadeafcentre@rogers.com ; newfiedjh@yahoo.com ; jutta.treviranus@utoronto.ca ; jeremy.wells@sympatico.ca ; aaron.walsh@sympatico.ca ; adlund@mobility.blackberry.net ; dmomotiuk@smd.mb.ca ; mpotvin@ccbnational.net ; kier@cailc.ca ; laurie@ccdonline.ca ; dave@damar.net ; daans@ns.sympatico.ca ; bmd@accesswave.ca ; deafmb@mts.net ; oadpresident@gmail.com ; jj@deafontario.ca ; garyb@neilsquire.ca ; joweber@accesscomm.ca ; Silvergirl46@hotmail.com ; Dodie865@hotmail.com ; cqda@videotron.ca ; rmschmid@sasktel.net ; rlhutchinson@sasktel.net ; fordgk@shaw.ca ; wegcap@netidea.com ; mbach@cacl.ca ; dennis.mudryk@gov.ab.ca ; jacki.andre@usask.ca ; maxine.kinakin@usask.ca ; John.Mackay@ontario.ca ; d_stienstra@umanitoba.ca ; kjdit86@shaw.ca ; dalebirley@yahoo.ca ; leona@sdhhs.com ; rimmer@nlad.org ; vchauvet@shaw.ca ; gmalkowski@chs.ca ; gkane@stikeman.com ; lshemrock@reztel.net ; derek.barr@opensourcesolutions.ca ; beverley@sentex.ca ; r.martell@ns.sympatico.ca ; tdobie@pop.kin.bc.ca ; westm@douglas.bc.ca ; bob.Allen@abccomm.com ; jjickels@telus.net ; masters@widhh.com ; lunn@bcinternet.net ; dave@elkvalley.net ; mybow@legalaid.mb.ca ; regulatory@bell.aliant.ca ; dma2@telusplanet.net ; dmckeown@viewcom.ca ; dunbar@johnstonbuchan.com ; canreg.affairs@alcatel-lucent.com ; gordonp@lao.on.ca ; icollins@torontohydro.com ; rob.olenick@tbaytel.com ; regulatory@lya.com ; support@bcpiac.com ; christian.tacit@cybersurf.com ; lisangus@angustel.ca ; pris@pris.ca ; rollie.evans@axia.com ; cedwards@ccsa.cable.ca ; reglementation@xittel.net ; dotsofthings@hotmail.com ; Tho0151@attglobal.net ; art.hillcox@usask.ca ; alkanji@yahoo.com ; chodgins@cad.ca ; deafmb@mts.net ; jroots@cad.ca ; regaffairs@quebecor.com ; kstevens@execulink.com ; cathy.moore@cnib.ca ; pdowns@nexicom.net ; y.brunelle@telephonelabaie.qc.ca ; Regulatory@sjrb.ca ; kurt@chha.on.ca ; telecom.regulatory@cogeco.com ; andre.labrie@mcc.gouv.qc.ca ; regmatters@telesat.ca ; steve@wtccommunications.ca ; cshaw@nwtel.ca ; marcia.cummings@rci.rogers.com ; johnm@barrettxplore.com ; billm@barrettxplore.com ; chet@pathcom.ca ; agaimer@wildroseinternet.ca ;
Date Modified: 2007-07-06