ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8740-B2-200705494

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Ottawa, 27 June 2007

File No.:   8740-B2-200705494

BY EMail

David Palmer
Director - Regulatory Affairs
Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Bell Canada
110 O'Connor Street, 7 th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1H1

Dear Mr. Palmer

Re: Competitor link service

T he Commission is in receipt of Tariff Notice 7028 from Bell Canada and Tariff Notice 82 from Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant),(collectively, the Companies). These applications relate to the link service and supporting cost studies filed pursuant to Rogers Wireless Partnership - Part VII application with respect to the applicability of retail Digital Network Access link charges to Competitor Digital Network facilities , Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-6, 2 February 2007, as amended by Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-6-1, 20 March 2007 .

To assist the Commission in disposing of these applications by the third quarter 2007, the Companies are requested to provide responses to the interrogatories set out in Attachment 1 .

As a result, the process related to the Companies applications is revised as follows:


The Companies to file interrogatory responses

Comments by all interested parties

Reply comments by the Companies



  18 July 2007

  31 July 2007

  8   August 2007


The above material is to be filed and served on all other parties to this process by the dates set out above, and must be received, not merely sent, by those dates.

Yours sincerely,

'Original signed by Y. Davidson'

Yvan Davidson
Senior Manager
Competitor Services and Costing

cc:   CRTC Regional Offices
        B.Natraj (Nat Natraj) (CRTC) 819-953-5081
        TCC -
        SaskTel -
        Rogers Communications Inc. -
        MTS Allstream -

Attachment 1

1)    Refer to the Companies' 10 April 2007 submissions (Tariff Notices 7028 and 82) as amended by the 29 May 2007 submission (reply comments related to these applications).

a)    Refer to component diagrams shown in Figures 1, 2 and 3 of the Companies' 29 May 2007 submission:

i)    For each of the three proposed technology configurations, identify each individual service pairing (i.e. identifying the Competitor Digital Network (CDN) service and non-CDN competitor service) for which the technology configuration would apply.

ii)   For each of the three technology configurations, and for each of the service pairing provided in the response to part (i) above, confirm that the rate of the non-CDN competitor service (connecting to the CDN service) captures/recovers none of the resource components identified in the company's proposed configuration diagram; if any of the link resource components shown under the company's proposed component configuration diagrams are captured and recovered under the other competitor service connecting to the CDN service, identify the components by service pairing that are recovered by the non-CDN competitor service, and comment on the appropriate approach to adjusting the proposed link rates in a manner to avoid double recovery of the associated link component costs.

b)    For each of the three proposed technology configurations, using the format of Table 5 - Detailed Summary of Phase II costs, provide estimates of the PWAC and associated monthly per link costs.

c)    If the monthly per-link costs provided in the response to part (b) above vary by more than plus or minus 20 percent from each other, comment on the appropriateness of introducing separate link rates for each configuration.

2)   Confirm that the Bell Aliant's link rate proposed in TN 82 only applies to the link services provided in Ontario and Quebec.

Date Modified: 2007-06-27
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