ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8638-C12-200708183

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Ottawa, 30 May 2007

File No.:   8638-C12-200708183


TO:   Interested parties to Public Notice 2006-5

RE:   Follow-up to Decision 2007-27 - Proceeding related to the application of the price cap regime to Télébec

In Price cap framework for large incumbent local exchange carriers , Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-27, 30 April 2007 (Decision 2007-27) the Commission directed Télébec, Société en commandite (Télébec) to show cause by 30 May 2007, as to why the determinations made in that Decision should not apply to it. The Commission also directed Télébec to file its 2007 subsidy per residential NAS calculations, based upon the effective date it will propose in the show cause proceeding, by 30 May 2007 .

By way of a letter dated 25 May 2007 , Télébec indicated that it would not be able to file its response to the show cause or its calculations by the date set out in Decision 2007-27 and requested that the Commission grant the company a delay, until 15 June 2007 , to file its submissions.

Commission staff considers that this request is reasonable and modifies the procedure set out in paragraphs 249 and 251 of Decision 2007-27 as follows:

  • Télébec is to show cause by 15 June 2007 , serving a copy to all interested parties of this proceeding, as to why the determinations made in Decision 2007-27 should not apply to it.

  • Parties may file reply comments by 28 June 2007 , serving a copy on Télébec and all parties.

  • Télébec may file final reply comments, serving a copy on all parties, by 13 July 2007 .

  • Télébec is to file its 2007 subsidy per residential NAS calculations based upon the effective date it will propose in the show cause proceeding, by 15 June 2007.

Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document must be actually received, not merely sent, by that date.

Sincerely yours,

'Original signed by S. Bédard '

Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs

c.c.   Nora Froese
         Lizette Pépin

Date Modified: 2007-05-30
Date modified: