ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8740-M59-200702937

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Ottawa, 18 May 2007

File Nos.   8740-M59-200702937


Mr. John Maksimow
Tariff Manager, Regulatory Affairs
MTS Allstream Inc.
P.O. Box 6666
333 Main Street
Winnipeg , MB
R3C 3V6

Dear Mr. Maksimow:

Re:      MTS Allstream Inc. Tariff Notices 617, 622 and 623

The Commission is in receipt of three applications from MTS Allstream Inc. under cover of Tariff Notices 617, 622 and 623.

In light of the related nature of the above-noted applications to applications filed with the Commission by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada, Saskatchewan Telecommunications and TELUS Communications Company to review and vary Telecom Orders CRTC 2007-20, 2007-21, 2007-22, 2007-24 and 2007-25, the Commission is unable to dispose of the Tariff Notice applications within 45 business days of their receipt.  

The Commission is continuing its analysis of Tariff Notices 617, 622 and 623 and it is expected that the Commission will render a decision with respect to these Tariff Notice applications by the end of the third quarter 2007.

Yours Sincerely,

'Original signed by Y. Davidson'

Yvan Davidson
Senior Manager
Competition, Costing & Tariffs

cc:    Thomas Copeland, Independent Members of Canadian Association of Internet Providers,
        Simon Lockie, Yak Communications ( Canada ) Corp., 
        CRTC Regional Offices
        Don Heale (CRTC) (819) 997-2755
        Kim Wardle (CRTC) (819) 997-4945

Date Modified: 2007-05-18
Date modified: