ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8662-B2-200702771
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Our Files: 8662-B2-200702771 Ottawa, 16 May 2007 BY E-MAIL To: E-mail Distribution (Attached) Dear Sir/Madam: Re: Applications to stay various Orders made under the Telecommunications Act related to Ethernet and ADSL services The following applications to stay certain Orders issued under the Telecommunications Act related to Ethernet and ADSL services (Applications) are before the Commission for consideration:
Pursuant to the process established in its letter dated 17 April 2007, subsequently amended by letters dated 11 May 2007 and 14 May 2007, the record in this proceeding is due to close on 25 May 2007. Consistent with the intention to address these stay applications expeditiously, it is expected that the Commission will issue a decision on the issues raised by these Applications by 29 June 2007, as soon as possible after the record closes. Yours truly, 'Original signed by L. Katz'
Len Katz Attach. Distribution List : '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; 'clayton@MNSi.Net' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' Date Modified: 2007-05-16 |
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