ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8740-B54-200704686

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Ottawa, 5 April 2007

File No.: 8740-B54-200704686

By E-mail

Mr. David Palmer
Director - Regulatory Affairs
Bell Canada
110 O'Connor Street, 7 th Floor
Ottawa , Ontario
K1P 1H1

Dear Mr. Palmer:

RE:   Bell Aliant Tariff Notice 76 and Bell Canada Tariff Notice 7022 - Megalink Service

On 27 March 2007, the Commission received applications by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, and Bell Canada (collectively, the Companies), under cover of Tariff Notice 76 and Tariff Notice 7022, respectively, in which the Companies proposed a modification to their respective General Tariff item 5201 - Megalink Service.

As the Companies' applications raise significant policy issues related to the conversion of the Minimum Contract Period to one of a longer duration, the Commission will not be able to render a decision within 10 business days of the date of receipt of the applications.   The Commission expects to render its decision within 45 business days of the application being filed.

Yours sincerely,

'Original signed by S. Bédard '

Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs

cc:   Martin Brazeau, CRTC, (819) 997-3498,

Date Modified: 2007-04-05
Date modified: