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LetterOttawa, 30 March 2007 File No: 8678-C12-200615578 BY E-MAIL To: Interested parties to Public Notice CRTC 2006-15 Re: Review of proposals to dispose of the funds accumulated in the deferral accounts , Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-15 - Interrogatories Dear Sir/Madam: Pursuant to the procedure specified at paragraph 25 of Review of proposals to dispose of the funds accumulated in the deferral accounts , Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-15, 30 November 2006 , as amended by Commission staff letter dated 11 January 2007 , attached are interrogatories related to this proceeding, as follows:
All parties named in Appendix A and/or B are to provide their response(s) to the interrogatory(ies) to the Commission, and serve a copy on all interested parties to this proceeding, by 4 May 2007. Responses are to be received, and not merely sent, by this date. In providing responses, the parties are requested to provide separate responses for each sub-part of each question addressed to them. Yours sincerely, ''Original signed by S. Bédard''
Suzanne Bédard Encl. cc: Michel Murray, CRTC (819) 997-9300 E-MAIL ADDRESSES ; ; ; ; ; AGARAND1@SASKTEL.NET ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; dotsofthings@hotmailcom ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
APPENDIX A Interrogatories to Alternative Broadband Service Providers This section contains interrogatories addressed to alternative broadband service providers (ABSPs) or parties who have filed submissions on behalf of ABSPs. While most questions are addressed to a specific party, some are addressed to multiple parties. Parties are requested to review the entire section and respond to all questions addressed to them. In responding, please use the following format: Responding Party Name(CRTC)30Mar07-10xx, where "10xx" refers to the numbers from 1001 to 1015 assigned below to each question. A.B.C. Allen Business Communications Ltd (ABC) 1001 Refer to ABC's submission dated 18 February 2007 .
Barrett Xplore Inc. (BXI) 1001 Refer to BXI's submission dated 16 February 2007 .
1002 Refer to BXI's 16 February 2007 submission. BXI indicates at paragraph 15 that although the clients are typically within a 20 km limit, the coverage footprint is designed with a radius of 8 km to 20 km from the Access Point cluster. BXI states at paragraph 28 that the maps in its Appendix C are based on a 20 km radius. Describe the factors that impact the coverage radius in the communities identified in BXI's submission, and justify the use of a constant 20 km radius in the maps. 1003 Refer to BXI's submission dated 16 February 2007 . At paragraph 26, BXI indicates that it has not addressed those areas that are included in any of the ILECs' supplemental plans. Provide the information requested in paragraph 9 of PN 2006-15 with respect to those supplemental plans. If BXI elects not to address the supplemental plans at this time, explain why. Blue Sky Net (BSN) 1001 Refer to BSN's submission dated 19 January 2007 .
Canadian Cable System Alliance Inc. (CCSA) 1001 Refer to CCSA's submission dated 19 February 2007 on behalf of several of its member companies.
1002 CCSA - Amtelcom Cable Limited Partnership (Amtelcom)
1003 CCSA - Cable Axion Digitel Inc. (Cable Axion)
1004 CCSA - Cable Cable
1005 CCSA - Cable TV of Camrose / (Cable TV of Camrose)
1006 CCSA - Compton Cable TV
1007 CCSA - Execulink Telecom (also considering Execulink's stand-alone submission)
1008 CCSA - Lake Broadcasting Corp. ( Lake Broadcasting )
1009 CCSA - Mascon Communications / AirSpeed Wireless (Mascon)
1010 CCSA - Persona
1011 CCSA - Source Cable Limited (Source Cable)
1012 CCSA - Ucluelet Video Services
Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) 1001 Refer to Cogeco's submission dated 19 February 2007 .
Crossroads Gas Co-op (Crossroads), Cochrane Lake Gas Co-op ( Cochrane Lake ) and Federation of Alberta Gas Co-ops (Federation) (together referred to as " Crossroads et al.") 1001 Refer to Crossroads et al.'s submission dated 12 February 2007 . For each community that appears on an ILEC's list of identified communities, where Crossroads, Cochrane and/or any Federation members have firm plans to begin providing such services during an ILEC's planned roll-out period:
1002 Refer to Crossroads et al.'s submission dated 12 February 2007 . Crossroads et al. noted that f or the past year, Crossroads and Cochrane Lake have worked with various groups in Alberta attempting to obtain government support and funding through such initiatives as the Alberta Municipal Infrastructure Program (AMIP), the Alberta Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund, the Agricultural Initiatives Program, and the Rural Development Fund. Crossroads et al. indicated that, as of yet, these efforts are ongoing and have not resulted in any funding though the response from Industry Canada and the Government of Alberta have been encouraging. Indicate whether funding has now been confirmed for Crossroads et al.'s broadband deployment plan, and if it has been, specify the source of that confirmed funding. GPN Wireless Solutions Ltd. (GPN) 1001 Refer to GPN's submission dated 16 February 2007 . For each community currently served by GPN that also appears on an ILEC's list of identified communities, and for communities where GPN has firm plans to provide such services:
Grant Internet Communications (Grant) 1001 For each community currently served by Grant that also appears on an ILEC's list of identified communities:
Netago Wireless (Netago) 1001 Refer to Netago's submission dated 15 February 2007 .
NetKaster Satellite Internet (NetKaster) 1001 Refer to NetKaster's submission of 19 February 2007 . For the communities where NetKaster currently provides broadband services and the communities where it has firm plans to provide such services:
1002 With respect to NetKaster's satellite service, provide an estimate of the average sustained download speed attainable during general usage associated with the high speed residential service that provides downstream speeds up to 1.5 Mbps. 1003 Indicate the technical or other constraints that NetKaster is encountering or expects to encounter in attempting to provide broad coverage to potential customers' premises in each community that it plans to serve. Nexicom Inc. (Nexicom) 1001 Provide evidence such as a resolution of Nexicom's Board of Directors that its plans to begin providing broadband services during an ILEC's planned roll-out period for its broadband expansion program have been approved. In the case where no Board of Directors exists, or no Board approval is required for this type of expansion, provide a statement to this effect and any other such evidence which indicates the firmness of Nexicom's plans. Open Source Solutions 1001 Refer to Open Source's submission dated 15 February 2007 .
1002 Open Source Solutions - 100 Mile Netshop
1003 Open Source Solutions - Elk Valley Networks ( Elk Valley )
1004 Open Source Solutions - Highway 16 Internet (Highway 16)
Quebecor Média inc. (QMI) 1001 Refer to QMI's submission dated 20 February 2007.
Reztel Broadband (Reztel) 1001 Refer to Reztel's submission dated 9 February 2007 .
Rogers Communications Inc. (RCI) 1001 Refer to RCI's submission dated 19 February 2007 .
Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) 1001 Refer to Shaw's submission dated 19 January 2007 .
Wild Rose Internet (Wild Rose) 1001 Refer to Wild Rose's submission dated 15 February 2007 .
Télécommunications Xittel inc. (Xittel) 1001 Refer to Xittel's submission dated 19 February 2007.
1002 With respect to the high-speed Internet access services using Xittel's wireless technology, provide an estimate of the average sustained speed during general usage for any residential service offered by Xittel that provides downstream speeds up to 1.5 Mbps. 1003 In Section 2 (Geographical Coverage) of the Peace Region Internet Society (PRIS) submission, dated 19 February 2007, PRIS comments on the difficulties providing 100% coverage with wireless technology. At paragraphs 26 and 27 of its 19 February 2007 submission, Xittel submits that it is achieving more than 80% coverage within 15 km using its technology. In addition, in Section 1.0 of the submission of GPN Wireless Network Solutions Ltd. (GPN), dated 16 February 2007 , GPN notes that coverage from its towers is normally limited to approximately a 2 km radius. With respect to Xittel's wireless services:
ABC; BXI; Blue Sky Net (separate response required for BSN, MCN and NEOnet); CCSA on behalf of its member companies; Crossroads et al. (response required for each organization); Execulink; GPN Wireless; Grant; Netago; Nexicom; NRTC Communications; Open Source Solutions on behalf of its member companies; PRIS; Reztel; Rogers; Wild Rose 1013 With respect to your company's fixed wireless service or the fixed wireless service of each of the companies you represent, provide an estimate of the average sustained download speed attainable during general usage associated with the high speed residential service that provides downstream speeds up to 1.5 Mbps. 1014 In Section 2 (Geographical Coverage) of the Peace Region Internet Society (PRIS) submission, dated 19 February 2007 , PRIS comments on the difficulties providing 100% coverage with fixed wireless technology. At paragraphs 26 and 27 of Télécommunications Xittel (Xittel) 19 February 2007 submission, Xittel submits that it is achieving more than 80% coverage within 15 Kms using its technology. In addition, in Section 1.0 of the submission of GPN Wireless Network Solutions Ltd, (GPN), dated 16 February 2007 , GPN notes that coverage of its towers is normally limited to approximately 2 Km radius. With respect to your company's fixed wireless service or the fixed wireless service of each of the companies you represent:
Interrogatories to TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) Community selection 1001 Refer to TELUS' Broadband Expansion Proposal dated 1 September 2006 , Tables 2a, 2b, and 2c. Also refer to the submissions from alternative broadband service providers' (ABSPs) dated February 2007.
1002 Refer to TELUS' Broadband Expansion Proposal dated 1 September 2006 . Provide two types of maps of TELUS' broadband expansion plan that would assist the Commission and ABSPs to better assess whether the company's roll-out plan for each community targets the same areas where ABSPs currently provide or plan to provide broadband service.
1003 Provide any other information that in the view of the company could help contrast the areas proposed by TELUS for broadband expansion with the communities that competitors currently serve or plan to serve, such as subscriber postal codes, central office/exchange boundaries or community phone number NNX codes, street names with or without range of street numbers, etc. 1004 In paragraph 197 of Decision 2006-9, the Commission directed ILECs to "submit a proposal to provide broadband service to the customer premises in communities located primarily in Bands E and F in HCSA exchanges .". In its 1 September 2006 submission, TELUS identified several communities from Bands C and D as part of its broadband expansion proposal. Explain the extent to which the company's broadband proposal in Bands E and F depends on funding from the deferral account being approved for:
1005 Refer to TELUS' Broadband Expansion Proposal dated 1 September 2006 and Industry Canada 's website file entitled Broadband Community Demographics located at After selecting a sample of proposed communities from the company's roll-out plan and comparing them to the same communities listed in the Broadband Community Demographics file, it appears that some communities that the company proposes to serve currently have broadband infrastructure in place, as shown in the table below:
1006 Refer to A.B.C. Allen Business Communications Ltd.'s (ABC) 18 February 2007 submission in which ABC claimed at page 5 that Centennial Road in Bouchie Lake ( British Columbia ) does not contain a single dwelling. Provide the company's view with respect to ABC's claim. 1007 Refer to Shaw's submission dated 19 February 2007 and the submission from Crossroads Gas Co-op, Cochrane Lake Gas Co-op and the Federation of Alberta Gas Co-ops (Crossroads et al.) dated 12 February 2007 .
1008 Refer to paragraphs 9 and 10 of TELUS' 1 September 2006 submission. Indicate whether TELUS is planning to use deferral account funds to build or augment backbone facilities in any community where there is already an Alberta SuperNet access point. If that is the case, identify the communities in question and provide details with respect to the existing SuperNet facilities and the facilities that TELUS is planning to build. In addition, provide TELUS' rationale for using deferral account funds to build or augment backbone facilities in such communities. 1009 In Section 2 (Geographical Coverage) of the Peace Region Internet Society (PRIS) submission, dated 19 February 2007 , PRIS comments on the difficulties providing 100% coverage with fixed wireless technology. At paragraphs 26 and 27 of Télécommunications Xittel (Xittel) 19 February 2007 submission, Xittel submits that it is achieving more than 80% coverage within 15 Kms using its technology. In addition, in Section 1.0 of the submission of GPN Wireless Network Solutions Ltd, (GPN), dated 16 February 2007 , GPN notes that coverage of its towers is normally limited to approximately 2 Km radius. Provide your views regarding these comments of PRIS, Xittel and GPN in relation to the coverage area that TELUS believes are achievable using fixed wireless technology. Roll-out plan 2001 Refer to TELUS' Broadband Expansion Proposal dated 1 September 2006 , Tables 2a, 2b, and 2c. Assuming that some communities are removed from the company's proposed expansion plans due to competitor presence or other reasons, provide the company's proposed guidelines to redesign its roll-out plans. For example, should planned communities from later years be moved up in priority before adding communities from the supplemental plan? Technology/financial information 3001 Refer to TELUS' interrogatory response TELUS(CRTC)5 Dec06-302. Provide the number of premises in each community that have been excluded from TELUS' proposal because of technical limitations. 3002 With reference to the cost studies for TELUS' broadband roll-out, for each of TELUS' three regions ( Alberta , British Columbia and Quebec ) summarized in Table 1 of Appendix 4b, provide a revised Table 1 (TELUS' broadband roll-out plan) and a separate Detailed Summary of Phase II Costs tables by region for the following two scenarios:
3003 With reference to the response to TELUS(CRTC)5Dec06-306, TELUS has provided information on backbone costs that are causal to increased IP traffic in the core network, which represent 0.6 per cent of the PWAC of the total backbone cost. For the remaining backbone costs which are "part of the upfront capital costs not driven by the gradual increase in customer subscriptions", specify the major resource components, provide the unit costs, the cost drivers, identify the vintage of the data used to develop each unit cost, and explain the methods used to express each of the unit costs in current dollars. 3004 With reference to TELUS(CRTC)5Dec06-307, provide the information that was requested in TELUS(CRTC)5Dec06-307 part a) for newly-deployed fibre facilities and related support structures for both:
3005 For each of the technologies proposed by TELUS for its deferral account-funded broadband services, specify the company's expected network reliability (e.g., network is up and running X% of the time). 3006 Refer to TELUS' letter dated 15 May 2006 regarding Decision 2006-9: Updated Deferral Account Schedule. Update Attachment 1 to reflect the current balance of funds available in the company's deferral account . Competitor services 4001 Refer to TELUS' interrogatory response TELUS(CRTC)5 Dec06-402:
Interrogatories to Bell Canada Community selection 1001 Refer to Bell Canada 's Broadband Expansion Proposal dated 1 September 2006 , Tables 2A, 2A Supplemental, 2B, and 2B Supplemental. Also refer to the submissions from alternative broadband service providers' (ABSPs) dated February 2007.
1002 Refer to Bell Canada 's Broadband Expansion Proposal dated 1 September 2006 . Provide two types of maps of Bell Canada 's broadband expansion proposal that would assist the Commission and ABSPs to better assess whether the company's roll-out plan for each community targets the same areas where ABSPs currently provide or plan to provide broadband service.
1003 Provide any other information that in the view of the company may be required to further help contrast the areas proposed by Bell Canada for broadband expansion with the communities that competitors currently serve or plan to serve, such as subscriber postal codes, central office/exchange boundaries or community phone number NNX codes, street names with or without range of street numbers, etc. 1004 In paragraph 197 of Decision 2006-9, the Commission directed ILECs to "submit a proposal to provide broadband service to the customer premises in communities located primarily in Bands E and F in HCSA exchanges .". In its 1 September 2006 submission, Bell Canada identified several communities from Bands C and D as part of its broadband expansion proposal. Explain the extent to which the company's broadband proposal in Bands E and F depends on funding from the deferral account being approved for:
1005 Refer to Bell Canada 's Broadband Expansion Proposal dated 1 September 2006 and Industry Canada 's website file entitled Broadband Community Demographics located at After selecting a sample of proposed communities from the company's roll-out plan and comparing them to the same communities listed in the Broadband Community Demographics file, it appears that some communities that the company proposes to serve may currently have broadband infrastructure in place serving all or part of the communities, as shown in the table below:
1006 Refer to Nexicom's submission dated 3 February 2007 enclosing an attachment dated 12 February 2007 . At paragraph 40 of its attachment, Nexicom claimed that the village of Havelock is already served by Bell Canada and that the Commission may wish to remove it from Bell Canada 's proposal. Provide the company's view with respect to Nexicom's claim. 1007 Refer to Rogers ' submission dated 19 February 2007 .
1008 Refer to Shaw's submission dated 19 February 2007 .
1009 Refer to Quebecor Média inc.'s (QMI) submission dated 20 February 2007, paragraphs 10 to 19, in which QMI expressed concerns with certain aspects of the methodology used by Bell Canada in developing its broadband expansion proposal. Provide Bell Canada 's views regarding the concerns expressed by QMI. 1010 With respect to Bell Canada 's fixed wireless service, provide an estimate of the average sustained download speed attainable during general usage associated with the high speed residential service that provides downstream speeds up to 1.5 Mbps. 1011 In Section 2 (Geographical Coverage) of the Peace Region Internet Society (PRIS) submission, dated 19 February 2007 , PRIS comments on the difficulties providing 100% coverage with fixed wireless technology. At paragraphs 26 and 27 of Télécommunications Xittel (Xittel) 19 February 2007 submission, Xittel submits that it is achieving more than 80% coverage within 15 Kms using its technology. In addition, in Section 1.0 of the submission of GPN Wireless Network Solutions Ltd, (GPN), dated 16 February 2007 , GPN notes that coverage of its towers is normally limited to approximately 2 Km radius. With respect to Bell Canada 's fixed wireless service:
Roll-out plan 2001 Refer to Bell Canada 's Broadband Expansion Proposal dated 1 September 2006 , Tables 2A, 2A Supplemental, 2B, and 2B Supplemental.
Technology/financial information 3001 Refer to Bell Canada 's interrogatory response Bell Canada (CRTC)5 Dec06-302. Provide the estimated number of subscribers in each community that have been excluded from Bell Canada 's proposal because of technical limitations. 3002 In Reference to Bell Canada(CRTC)05Dec06-311 PN 2006-15, Attachments 1 to 7, Detailed Summary of Phase II Costs tables and Bell Canada(CRTC)05Dec06-308 PN 2006-15 Attachment Table 1, provide the present worth of demand. 3003 With reference to the cost studies in Bell Canada's proposed broadband expansion proposal, Appendix 5, submitted on 1 September 2006, provide a revised Table 1 and a separate Detailed Summary of Phase II Cost table (including present worth of demand) with the assumption that the equipment included in the outside plant capital expenditure category is non fungible with an End of study value of zero and that the remaining equipment is fungible with an End of study value not equal to zero. 3004 An end of study (EOS) value is assigned to plant expected to continue to provide useful service beyond the end of the study period and thus generate revenues. In the case of the broadband expansion proposal, explain the rationale for not assigning an EOS value to the capital equipment when revenues are expected to be generated beyond the end of the study period using this equipment for which the company has recovered all the costs. 3005 For each of the technologies proposed by Bell Canada for its deferral account-funded broadband services, specify the expected network reliability (e.g., network is up and running X% of the time). 3006 Refer to Bell Canada 's letter dated 15 May 2006 regarding Decision 2006-9: Follow-up item regarding the deferral account balance. Update Attachment 1 to reflect the current balance of funds available in the company's deferral account . Competitor services 4001 Refer to paragraph 27 of Barrett Xplore Inc.'s (BXI) submission of 16 February 2007 wherein BXI requests that Bell Canada provide more information with respect to Broadband Expansion Service (BES) as it relates to:
4002 With reference to Bell Canada(CRTC)5Dec06-402, on page 5 of its response, Bell Canada stated that "the proposed BES would allow for localized traffic transport, in terms of bandwidth, from a deferral account-funded community's serving wire centre to another serving wire centre, namely, the nearest local hub site". Provide details on the characteristics of the transport connection for BES, specifying how the bandwidth would be provided (e.g., on a dedicated fixed bandwidth connection (SONET based), or on a shared packet-based or Ethernet-based connection). In addition specify the amount of bandwidth to be provided to a competitor and indicate whether a competitor would be allowed to select different amounts of bandwidth for the service. Interrogatories to MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) Community selection 1001 Refer to MTS Allstream's Broadband Expansion Proposal dated 1 September 2006 , Table 2 and 2 Supplemental. Also refer to the submissions from alternative broadband service providers' (ABSPs) dated February 2007.
1002 Refer to MTS Allstream's Broadband Expansion Proposal dated 1 September 2006 . Provide two types of maps of MTS Allstream's broadband expansion plan that would assist the Commission and ABSPs to better assess whether the company's roll-out plan for each community targets the same areas where ABSPs currently provide or plan to provide broadband service.
1003 Provide any other information that in the view of the company may be required to further help contrast the areas proposed by MTS Allstream for broadband expansion with the communities that competitors currently serve or plan to serve, such as subscriber postal codes, central office/exchange boundaries or community phone number NNX codes, street names with or without range of street numbers, etc. 1004 In paragraph 197 of Decision 2006-9, the Commission directed ILECs to "submit a proposal to provide broadband service to the customer premises in communities located primarily in Bands E and F in HCSA exchanges .". In its 1 September 2006 submission, MTS Allstream identified communities from Band D as part of its broadband expansion proposal. Explain the extent to which the company's broadband proposal in Bands E and F depends on funding from the deferral account being approved for:
1005 Refer to MTS Allstream's Broadband Expansion Proposal dated 1 September 2006 and Industry Canada 's website file entitled Broadband Community Demographics located at After selecting a community from the company's roll-out plan and comparing it to the same community listed in the Broadband Community Demographics file, it appears that this community that the company proposes to serve may currently have broadband infrastructure in place serving all or part of the community, as shown in the table below:
1006 With respect to MTS Allstream's fixed wireless service, provide an estimate of the average sustained download speed attainable during general usage associated with the high speed residential service that provides downstream speeds up to 1.5 Mbps. 1007 In Section 2 (Geographical Coverage) of the Peace Region Internet Society (PRIS) submission, dated 19 February 2007 , PRIS comments on the difficulties providing 100% coverage with fixed wireless technology. At paragraphs 26 and 27 of Télécommunications Xittel (Xittel) 19 February 2007 submission, Xittel submits that it is achieving more than 80% coverage within 15 Kms using its technology. In addition, in Section 1.0 of the submission of GPN Wireless Network Solutions Ltd, (GPN), dated 16 February 2007 , GPN notes that coverage of its towers is normally limited to approximately 2 Km radius. With respect to MTS Allstream's fixed wireless service:
Roll-out plan 2001 Refer to MTS Allstream's Broadband Expansion Proposal dated 1 September 2006 , Table 2 Roll-out plan and Table 2 Supplemental plan. Assuming that some communities are removed from the company's proposed expansion plans due to competitor presence or other reasons, provide the company's proposed guidelines to redesign its roll-out plans. For example, should planned communities from later years be moved up in priority before adding communities from the supplemental plan? Technology/financial information 3001 In reference to the answer to MTS Allstream(CRTC)05Dec06-310 PN 06-15, Attachment 1 and MTS Allstream(CRTC)05Dec06-308(a) Attachment 1:
3002 With reference to the cost studies for MTS Allstream's proposed broadband roll-out plan summarized in Attachment 2, Table 1, submitted on 20 October 2006 , provide a revised Table 1 (MTS Allstream broadband roll-out plan) and a separate Detailed Summary of Phase II Cost table for the following two scenarios:
3003 Refer to MTS Allstream's letter dated 15 May 2006 regarding Decision 2006-9: Updated Deferral Account Schedule. Update Attachment 1 to reflect the current balance of funds available in the company's deferral account . 3004 For each of the technologies proposed by MTS Allstream for its deferral account-funded broadband services, specify the company's expected network reliability (e.g., network is up and running X% of the time).
APPENDIX B Interrogatories to multiple parties representing consumers and persons with disabilities
This section contains interrogatories addressed to multiple parties. Parties are requested to review the entire section and respond to all interrogatories addressed to them. In responding, parties must number their responses using the following format: ARCH Disability Law Centre, Canadian Association of the Deaf, Canadian Hearing Society, Canadian Hard of Hearing Association, Association of Visual Language Interpreters of Canada - Jacques Racicot, Assistant to the Director - Centre de communication adaptée, Centre québécois de la déficience auditive Responding Party Name (CRTC) 30Mar07- 5001 In Bell Canada's response to interrogatory Bell Canada(CRTC)5Dec06-605, Bell Canada stated that "In Bell Canada's view, the following will be required in order to appropriately monitor the quality of service for IPR and VRS: (.) VRS Supervisors of Interpreters to be qualified Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ) and/or American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters (.)". Describe in detail the qualifications and/or experience that your organization believes should be required of VRS interpreters and their supervisors. ARCH Disability Law Centre, University of Toronto Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, Canadian Association of the Deaf, Canadian Hearing Society, Canadian Council of the Blind, Council of Canadians with Disabilities, International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, CNIB, Neil Squire Society, Dis-It Research Alliance University of Manitoba, Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians, Canadian Hard of Hearing Association, Canadian Association for Community Living - Jacques Racicot, Assistant to the Director - Centre de communication adaptée, Centre québécois de la déficience auditive Responding Party Name (CRTC) 30Mar07- 5002 Bell Canada , TELUS, MTS Allstream and SaskTel each proposed to establish a fund or set funds aside to support future initiatives to improve accessibility to telecommunications services by persons with disabilities. Provide your views as to how such funds to support future initiatives should be managed, including the structures and mechanisms to be put in place to develop and assess future accessibility initiatives, the parties/groups that would be involved, the criteria to be used for the selection of proposals, and any reporting requirements that should be imposed on the ILECs. Interrogatories to TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) Proposed accessibility initiatives 6001 In TELUS(CRTC)5Dec-06-601, TELUS notes that the details of its proposed IPR trial have not yet been finalized with the expected contractor. In order for the Commission to consider proposals in this proceeding, sufficient detail about the proposal must be made available to permit a full understanding of how the ILEC is proposing to spend the deferral account funds. Provide TELUS' estimate of the date that these negotiations will be completed with the expected contractor, and when the details of the trial will be submitted to the Commission and served on the parties to this proceeding for comments. If TELUS does not propose to seek comments from interested parties, provide justification as to why such input is not required. 6002 Refer to TELUS' response to interrogatory TELUS(CRTC)5Dec06-601c) wherein TELUS stated that it "anticipates incurring implementation challenges (.)." With respect to IPR service, provide further details on each anticipated challenge in the implementation and ongoing operation of IPR service listed in TELUS' response to this interrogatory. Also, provide TELUS' proposed means of overcoming these challenges. 6003 In TELUS(CRTC)5Dec-06-602, TELUS notes that the details of its proposed VRS trial have not yet been finalized with the expected contractor. In order for the Commission to consider proposals in this proceeding, sufficient detail about the proposal must be made available to permit a full understanding of how the ILEC is proposing to spend the deferral account funds. Provide TELUS' estimate of the date that these negotiations will be completed with the expected contractor, and when the details of the trial will be submitted to the Commission and served on the parties to this proceeding for comments. If TELUS does not propose to seek comments from interested parties, provide justification as to why such input is not required. 6004 Refer to TELUS' response to interrogatory TELUS(CRTC)5Dec06-602e). With respect to VRS service, provide further details on each anticipated challenge in the implementation and ongoing operation of VRS listed in TELUS' response to the interrogatory. Also, provide TELUS' proposed means of overcoming these challenges. 6005 In TELUS(CRTC)5Dec-06-603, TELUS notes that it will conduct a trial of IPR service and VRS in both French and English. Confirm that TELUS will conduct the VRS trial in both ASL and LSQ. 6006 Refer to TELUS' response to interrogatory TELUS(CRTC)5Dec06-605 PN 2006-15 relating to TELUS' proposed Special Needs Centre. Specify if between the TELUS Special Needs Centre section and other sections of its website conforming to W3C guidelines, customers with disabilities would have access to all of the same information and functionalities as other customers have. If not, provide specific details as to the information that would not be accessible. Further, provide the company's justification for not making all of the same information and functionalities accessible to all customers. 6007 In a letter dated 14 February 2007 , the Canadian Hearing Society (CHS) provides an attachment outlining the draft criteria of a VRS communication accessibility checklist for the provision of VRS. Provide TELUS' views with respect to the appropriateness of these draft criteria. 6008 In Bell Canada's response to interrogatory Bell Canada(CRTC)5Dec06-605, Bell Canada stated that "In Bell Canada's view, the following will be required in order to appropriately monitor the quality of service for IPR and VRS: (.) VRS Supervisors of Interpreters to be qualified Langue des Signes Québécoise (LSQ) and/or American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters (.)". Describe in detail the qualifications and/or experience that TELUS believes should be required of VRS interpreters and their supervisors. 6009 In TELUS(CRTC)5Dec-06-606 b) and at Paragraph 80 of TELUS' 1 September 2006 submission, TELUS seeks approval for the use of deferral account funds for the introduction of future services as outlined in confidence in paragraphs 69 to 72 of the confidential version of TELUS' 1 September 2006 submission. In order for the Commission to consider proposals in this proceeding, sufficient detail about the proposal must be made available to permit a full understanding of how the ILEC is proposing to spend the deferral account funds. Provide TELUS' justification for seeking Commission approval of a draw-down from the deferral account without submitting full details of the proposal to the Commission and serving it on parties to this proceeding for comments. 6010 Bell Canada , TELUS, MTS Allstream and SaskTel each proposed to establish a fund or set funding aside to support future initiatives to improve accessibility to telecommunications services by persons with disabilities. Provide your views as to how such funds to support future initiatives should be managed, including the structures and mechanisms to be put in place to develop and assess future accessibility initiatives, the parties/groups that would be involved, the criteria to be used for the selection of proposals, and any reporting requirements that should be imposed on the ILECs. 6011 In TELUS(CRTC)5Dec-06-608, TELUS provides the composition of its Accessibility Committee. Provide TELUS' views with respect to adding representatives of organizations representing persons with disabilities to this committee. Interrogatories to Bell Canada Proposed accessibility initiatives 6001 In a letter dated 14 February 2007 , the Canadian Hearing Society (CHS) provides an attachment outlining the draft criteria of a VRS communication accessibility checklist for the provision of VRS. Provide Bell Canada 's views with respect to the appropriateness of these draft criteria. 6002 Refer to response to interrogatory Bell Canada(CRTC)5Dec06-603 PN 2006-15 wherein Bell Canada stated that: "The Company anticipates that there will be a number of challenges associated with ensuring that users of the Companies' IPR and VRS services are qualified to use the service (.). The Company must also balance the interests of business clients versus residential clients." Indicate in what respect the company needs to balance the interests of business clients versus residential clients. 6003 In Bell Canada's response to interrogatory Bell Canada(CRTC)5Dec06-605, Bell Canada stated that "In Bell Canada's view, the following will be required in order to appropriately monitor the quality of service for IPR and VRS: (.) VRS Supervisors of Interpreters to be qualified Langue des Signes Québécoise (LSQ) and/or American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters (.)". Describe in detail the qualifications and/or experience that Bell Canada believes should be required of VRS interpreters and their supervisors. 6004 Refer to Bell Canada 's response to interrogatory Bell Canada (CRTC)5Dec06-606a) relating to Special Needs Centre initiative. Bell Canada noted that the on-line account information and ordering functionalities do not conform to World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) accessibility guidelines and hence, may not be accessible by individuals with visual disabilities. Except for the on-line account information and service ordering functionality, specify whether customers with disabilities would have access to all of the same information and functionalities as other customers have through Bell Canada 's website. If not, provide specific details as to the information that would not be accessible. Further, provide the company's justification for not making all of the same information and functionalities accessible to all customers. 6005 Bell Canada , TELUS, MTS Allstream and SaskTel each proposed to establish a fund or set funding aside to support future initiatives to improve accessibility to telecommunications services by persons with disabilities. Provide your views as to how such funds to support future initiatives should be managed, including the structures and mechanisms to be put in place to develop and assess future accessibility initiatives, the parties/groups that would be involved, the criteria to be used for the selection of proposals, and any reporting requirements that should be imposed on the ILECs. Interrogatories to MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) Proposed accessibility initiatives 6001 Refer to MTS Allstream's response to interrogatory MTS Allstream(CRTC)05Dec06-601b) wherein MTS Allstream stated that "Ongoing website and content update processes will include measures to ensure that content posted on the MTS Allstream website meets accessibility standards. MTS Allstream plans to put in place quality control, including periodic reviews of the website, ensuring ongoing accessibility for people with disabilities."
6002 Bell Canada , TELUS, MTS Allstream and SaskTel each proposed to establish a fund or set aside funding to support future initiatives to improve accessibility to telecommunications services by persons with disabilities. Provide your views as to how such funds to support future initiatives should be managed, including the structures and mechanisms to be put in place to develop and assess future accessibility initiatives, the parties/groups that would be involved, the criteria to be used for the selection of proposals, and any reporting requirements that should be imposed on the ILECs.
Interrogatories to Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Proposed accessibility initiatives 6001 In Bell Aliant's response to interrogatory Bell Aliant(CRTC)5Dec06-601 relating to Special Needs Centre. Bell Aliant noted that the company's on-line account information does not conform to World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) guidelines and hence, may not be accessible by individuals with visual disabilities. Except for the on-line account information, specify whether customers with disabilities would have access to all of the same information and functionalities as other customers have through Bell Aliant's website. If not, provide specific details as to the information that would not be accessible. 6002 Bell Canada , TELUS, MTS Allstream and SaskTel each proposed to establish a fund or set aside funding to support future initiatives to improve accessibility to telecommunications services by persons with disabilities. Provide your views as to how such funds to support future initiatives should be managed, including the structures and mechanisms to be put in place to develop and assess future accessibility initiatives, the parties/groups that would be involved, the criteria to be used for the selection of proposals, and any reporting requirements that should be imposed on the ILECs. Financial information 7001 In Bell Aliant(CRTC)05Dec-06-701, Bell Aliant advised that a detailed cost study outlining the costs to enhance accessibility to its website had not been undertaken. In order for the Commission to consider proposals in this proceeding, sufficient detail about the proposal must be made available to permit a full understanding of how the ILEC is proposing to spend the funds. Provide Bell Aliant's estimate of the date that this study will be submitted to the Commission and served on the parties to this proceeding for comments. If Bell Aliant does not propose to seek comments from interested parties, provide justification why such input is not required. Interrogatories to Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) Proposed accessibility initiatives 6001 I n SaskTel(CRTC)5Dec06-601, SaskTel states that it has not yet undertaken an in-depth analysis of its current Special Needs section of its website to determine what improvements it would make, but that it intends to do so if it receives approval for funding this project. Provide SaskTel's justification for seeking Commission approval of a draw-down from the deferral account without submitting full details of the proposal to the Commission and serving them on parties to this proceeding for comments. If Saskel does not propose to seek comments from interested parties, provide justification why such input is not required. 6002 Refer to SaskTel's response to interrogatory SaskTel(CRTC)5Dec06-602a). Also refer to SaskTel's 1 September 2006 submission, Appendix C, product and service enhancement initiatives. In its response to the interrogatory, SaskTel stated that "(.) given the number of different customers that may be covered under the umbrella of "disabilities" it is nearly impossible to provide a service that will not result in challenges to one or more groupings of disabled persons. These challenges are very dependant on the type of disability a person has (.)." With respect to SaskTel's proposed service enhancement initiative, identify the groups of people that may not be able to use the service, and describe what steps SaskTel would take to ensure that the proposed service is as widely accessible as possible. 6003 In SaskTel(CRTC)5Dec06-604, SaskTel submits that there should be no requirement to seek Commission approval for the use of deferral account funds that might be set aside for future initiatives. In light of this proposal: Date Modified: 2007-03-30 |
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