ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8644-S9-200615388

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Ottawa, 2 February 2007

File No.:   8644-S9-200615388


Mr. Jean Brazeau
Vice President Regulatory Affairs
Shaw Communications Inc.
2055 Flavelle Blvd
Mississauga, Ontario
L5K 1Z8

Dear Mr. Brazeau :

Re:   Part VII Application by Shaw Communications Inc. seeking non-discriminatory access to multiple unit dwellings by Concord Pacific Group Inc. and enforcement of the undue preference and inside wire obligations

Shaw Communications Inc. is requested to respond to the questions set out in the Attachment by 16 February 2007 .

Yours sincerely, 

'Original signed by L. Fancy'

Lynne Fancy
A/Director, Competition Implementation and Technology

cc:    Jesslyn Mullaney CRTC -
        James Love CRTC -
        Concord Pacific Group Inc. -
        Novus Entertainment Inc. -
        TELUS Communications Company -



  1. Provide a copy of the access agreement Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) concluded with the strata council on or about 15 November 2006 for the 638 Beach Crescent property.
  2. Provide detailed descriptions of the equipment and the configuration of the distribution system that Shaw (a) would have installed in the buildings at issue if it had been provided with access when the buildings were under construction; and (b) has installed or intends to install in the buildings at issue following the completion of the construction of the buildings.   In doing so, identify any differences in equipment or in the configurations of the systems under these two scenarios and any differences in the associated costs, as well as any differences in Shaw's ability to provide end-users with service.
  3. Provide a description of the various programming and non-programming services (for example, telephony, internet and/or broadcasting) that Shaw offers and intends to offer using the facilities that it has installed or intends to install in the buildings.
  4. For each of the services set out above, provide a description as to exactly how equipment and facilities installed in the building will be used to connect Shaw's main distribution plant to customer equipment in the building (such as set top cable boxes, telephone, modem or any other devices).
Date Modified: 2007-02-02
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