ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8340-H4-200617079

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Ottawa, 11 January 2007

File No.:   8340-H4-200617079


Mr. Glenn Grubb
General Manager
Box 200
60 Queen Street
Ripley, Ontario
N0G 2R0

Dear Mr. Grubb,

Re:   MALI Agreement between HuronTel and Bell Canada

On 22 December 2006 , the Commission received an application from HuronTel, in which the company requested Commission approval of a Master Agreement for Interconnection (MALI) with Bell Canada .

The agreement filed with this application did not contain the signed and completed confidential version of schedule C.

Consequently, this application has been closed.

The Commission is open to examining a new application from the company that would address the item noted above.

Yours sincerely,

'Original signed by P. Godin'

Paul M. Godin
A/Director General
Competition, Costing & Tariffs

cc:   Elaine Suen, CRTC, (819) 997-4421

Date Modified: 2007-01-11
Date modified: