Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2006-109
Ottawa, 25 August 2006
Amendments to the Television Broadcasting Regulations, 1987,the Pay Television Regulations, 1990 and the Specialty Services Regulations, 1990 - Requirements for the furnishing of program logs and records
The Commission has adopted amendments to the Television Broadcasting Regulations, 1987, the Pay Television Regulations, 1990, and the Specialty Services Regulations, 1990. These amendments were registered and came into effect on 29 May 2006. They were published in Part II of the Canada Gazette on 14 June 2006.
In Call for comments - Proposed amendments to the Television Broadcasting Regulations, 1987, the Pay Television Regulations, 1990, and the Specialty Services Regulations, 1990 - Requirements for the furnishing of program logs and records, Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2006-30, 9 March 2006 (Public Notice 2006-30), the Commission proposed to amend the three sets of regulations (the Regulations) named in the title of that notice to enable the Commission to except a licensee, by condition of licence, from the requirements related to the furnishing of program logs and records. As noted in Public Notice 2006-30, the purpose of these amendments was to provide greater flexibility in the furnishing of program logs and records and to decrease the administrative burden on the Commission and on licensees in certain circumstances.
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, in the only comment filed in response to Public Notice 2006-30, expressed support for the proposed amendments.
Commission's determination
In light of the above, the Commission has amended the Regulations as proposed.The amendments made by the Commission are appended to this notice. These amendments were registered and came into effect on 29 May 2006, and were published in Part II of the Canada Gazette on 14 June 2006.
Secretary General
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1. Subsection 10(3) of the Television Broadcasting Regulations, 19871 is replaced by the following:
(3) Except as otherwise provided under a condition of its licence, a licensee shall furnish to the Commission, within 30 days after the end of each month, the program log or machine-readable record of the licensee for that month, together with a certificate signed by or on behalf of the licensee attesting to the accuracy of the contents of the log or record.
coming into force
2. These regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.
1. Subsection 4(2) of the Pay Television Regulations, 19901 is replaced by the following:
(2) Except as otherwise provided under a condition of its licence, a licensee shall furnish to the Commission, within 30 days after the end of each month, a program log or machine-readable record of its programming for the month, with a certificate by or on behalf of the licensee attesting to the accuracy of the contents of the log or record.
coming into force
2. These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.
1. Subsection 7(2) of the Specialty Services Regulations, 19901 is replaced by the following:
(2) Except as otherwise provided under a condition of its licence, a licensee shall furnish to the Commission, within 30 days after the end of each month, a program log or machine-readable record of its programming for the month, with a certificate by or on behalf of the licensee attesting to the accuracy of the contents of the log or record.
coming into force
2. These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.
Footnotes: SOR/87-49
Date Modified: 2006-08-25