Telecom Order CRTC 2006-142
Ottawa, 9 June 2006
Bell Canada
Reference: Tariff Notice 6946
Accelerated Delivery Interval - Market Trial
The Commission received an application from Bell Canada, dated 9 May 2006, proposing the addition of item 106 - Accelerated Delivery Interval - Market Trial to the company's General Tariff.
Bell Canada submitted that, with the introduction of the Accelerated Delivery Interval - Market Trial, it was proposing to introduce a market trial of a new option whereby, for an additional service charge, it would provide an accelerated delivery interval for specific retail services to eligible business and wholesale customers during the trial period of 24 May to 24 September 2006. Bell Canada indicated that the company would negotiate with each customer an accelerated due date that considered both the customer's requirements and the company's ability to deliver the service, in consideration of its other workload activities.
Bell Canada proposed an initial service charge and requested approval of a range of rates for the service charge to enable the company to adjust the rate, if necessary, based on customer reaction to the initial price level. Bell Canada requested that the Commission maintain the confidential status of the rate range.
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
The Commission considers that a company conducting market trials should be allowed to vary the price within a range during the market trial period to establish the demand-price relationship without having to obtain Commission approval to do so. Given that market trials are of limited scope and duration, and are normal business instruments to set prices for new services, the ability of Bell Canada to change prices in the short term for the Accelerated Delivery Interval - Market Trial is acceptable, in the Commission's view.
In light of the above, the Commission approves on an interim basis Bell Canada's application, effective the date of this Order, for a four-month trial period, at the company's choice, subject to the following:
- Bell Canada is to issue tariff pages to disclose the operative price points for the Accelerated Delivery Interval - Market Trial at any given time, and provide, in confidence, copies to the Commission two business days in advance.
Secretary General
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Date Modified: 2006-06-09