Broadcasting Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 2006-13
See also: 2006-13-1
Ottawa, 14 December 2006
The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on 12 February 2007 at 9:30 a.m., at the Delta Bow Valley, 209 - 4th Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta, to consider the following applications. The deadline for submission of interventions/comments is 18 January 2007.
[Broadcasting intervention/comments form]
Applicant and locality
Crossroads Television System Calgary, Alberta
Application No. 2005-0912-7
Crossroads Television System Edmonton, Alberta
Application No. 2005-0914-3
The Miracle Channel Association Calgary, Alberta
Application No. 2006-0518-1
The Miracle Channel Association Edmonton, Alberta
Application No. 2006-0496-9
Rogers Broadcasting Limited Calgary, Alberta
Application No. 2006-1034-6
Rogers Broadcasting Limited Edmonton, Alberta
Application No. 2006-1035-4
MVBC Holdings Limited Calgary, Alberta
Application No. 2006-1037-0
MVBC Holdings Limited Edmonton, Alberta
Application No. 2006-1039-6
CanWest MediaWorks Inc. Calgary, Alberta
Application No. 2006-1041-1
CanWest MediaWorks Inc. Edmonton, Alberta
Application No. 2006-1042-9
Only Imagine Inc. Across Canada
Application No. 2006-0699-9
Bhupinder Bola, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated Across Canada
Application No. 2006-1200-6
CHUM Limited Across Canada Application No. 2006-1501-5
CHUM Limite Across Canada Application Nos. 2006-1514-8, 2006-1515-6, 2006-1516-4, 2006-1517-2, 2006-1518-0, 2006-1519-8, 2006-1520-6 and 2006-1521-3
Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Limited Partnership Kelowna, British Columbia
Application No. 2006-1105-5
Rogers Broadcasting Limited Chilliwack, British Columbia
Application No 2005-1434-0
For items 1 to 10
On 12 January 2006, the Commission issued Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2006-3, announcing that it had received applications for broadcasting licences to carry on television programming undertakings to provide television services to serve Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta. The Public Notice called for applications from other parties wishing to obtain broadcasting licences to provide television services to Edmonton and/or Calgary, Alberta.
On 12 April 2006, the Commission issued Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2006-3-1, extending the deadline for submission of applications until further notice.
On 7 July 2006, the Commission issued Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2006-3-1, stating that the deadline for submission of applications was extended to 18 August 2006.
In response to this call, the Commission has received a number of applications for licences to serve these markets.
Some of these applications are technically mutually exclusive. These applications are:
For Calgary:
- Rogers Broadcasting Limited (item 5), MVBC Holdings Limited
(item 7), and CanWest MediaWorks Inc. (item 9) are technically mutually exclusive, proposing the use of channel 38.
These applications, along with Crossroads Television System (item 1) and The Miracle Channel Association (item 3), will be treated as competitive television applications for Calgary.
For Edmonton:
- Crossroads Television System (item 2) and MVBC Holdings Limited (item 8) are technically mutually exclusive, proposing the use of channel 45.
These applications, along with The Miracle Channel Association (item 4), Rogers Broadcasting Limited (item 6), and CanWest MediaWorks Inc. (item 10), will be treated as competitive television applications for Edmonton.
In order to use its time more efficiently at the hearing, the Commission may decide to question applicants on any matters related to issues common to both markets.
Item 11
The Commission intends to discuss various issues related to the use of local availabilities in US programming services for commercial advertising and any potential impacts that the undertaking proposed by Only Imagine Inc. would have on Canadian programming services and broadcasting distribution undertakings.
Items 12 to 16
The Commission intends to consider, subject to interventions, items 12 to 16 during the non-appearance phase of the public hearing.
Calgary, Alberta
Application No. 2005-0912-7
Application by Crossroads Television System for a licence to operate an English-language religious television programming undertaking in Calgary.
The new station would operate on channel 32 with an effective radiated power of 75,000 watts (non-directional antenna/antenna height of 206 metres).
Applicant's address:
Crossroads Television System
1295 North Service Road
Burlington, Ontario
L7R 4X5
Fax: 905-331-7222
E-Mail: dgray@ctstv.com
Examination of application:
Suite 100
4510 Macleod Trail South
Calgary, Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
Application No. 2005-0914-3
Application by Crossroads Television System for a licence to operate an English-language religious television programming undertaking in Edmonton.
The new station would operate on channel 45 with an average effective radiated power of 34,000 watts (maximum effective radiated power of 71,000 watts/antenna height of 176 metres).
The Commission may withdraw this application from the public hearing if it is not advised by the Department of Industry, at least twenty days prior to the hearing, that the application is technically acceptable.
Applicant's address:
Crossroads Television System
1295 North Service Road
Burlington, Ontario
L7R 4X5
Fax: 905-331-7222
E-Mail: dgray@ctstv.com
Examination of application:
4207 - 98 Street
Suite 204
Edmonton, Alberta
Calgary, Alberta
Application No. 2006-0518-1
Application by The Miracle Channel Association for a licence to operate an English-language transitional digital television programming undertaking in Calgary associated with its existing television station CJIL-TV, Lethbridge, Alberta.
The station would operate from Calgary on channel 15 B with an average effective radiated power of 76.5 watts (maximum effective radiated power of 130 watts/ antenna height of 216 metres).
The applicant proposes that the station simulcast the current programming of CJIL-TV Lethbridge, in its entirety. Therefore, no local programming would be offered.
Applicant's address:
450 - 31 Street North
Lethbridge, Alberta
T1H 3Z3
Fax: 403-380-3322
E-Mail: mail@miraclechannel.ca
Examination of application:
Shine FM
4510 MacLeod Trail South
Calgary, Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
Application No. 2006-0496-9
Application by The Miracle Channel Association for a licence to operate an English-language transitional digital television programming undertaking in Edmonton associated with its existing television station CJIL-TV, Lethbridge, Alberta.
The station would operate from Edmonton on channel 21 B with an average effective radiated power of 75 watts (maximum effective radiated power of 128 watts/ antenna height of 133 metres).
The applicant proposes that the station simulcast the current programming of CJIL-TV Lethbridge, in its entirety. Therefore, no local programming would be offered.
Applicant's address:
450 - 31 Street North
Lethbridge, Alberta
T1H 3Z3
Fax: 403-380-3322
E-Mail: mail@miraclechannel.ca
Examination of application:
Shine FM
4207 - 98 Street
Suite 204
Edmonton, Alberta
Calgary, Alberta
Application No. 2006-1034-6
Application by Rogers Broadcasting Limited for a licence to operate a multilingual ethnic television programming undertaking in Calgary.
The applicant proposes to direct programming to 25 ethnic groups in 19 different languages.
The new station would operate on channel 38 with an average effective radiated power of 310,000 watts (maximum effective radiated power of 510,000 watts/antenna height of 325.1 metres).
The Commission may withdraw this application from the public hearing if it is not advised by the Department of Industry, at least twenty days prior to the hearing, that the application is technically acceptable.
Applicant's address:
333 Bloor Street East, 6th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 1G9
Fax: 416-935-8203
E-Mail: Alain.Strati@rci.rogers.com
Examination of application:
At the licensee's address; and
Rogers Radio
240, 2723 37th Avenue NE
Calgary, Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
Application No. 2006-1035-4
Application by Rogers Broadcasting Limited for a licence to operate a multilingual ethnic television programming undertaking in Edmonton.
The applicant proposes to direct programming to 25 ethnic groups in 19 different languages.
The new station would operate on channel 56 with an average effective radiated power of 340,000 watts (maximum effective radiated power of 530,000 watts/antenna height of 231.9 metres).
The Commission may withdraw this application from the public hearing if it is not advised by the Department of Industry, at least twenty days prior to the hearing, that the application is technically acceptable.
Applicant's address:
333 Bloor Street East, 6th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 1G9
Fax: 416-935-8203
E-Mail: Alain.Strati@rci.rogers.com
Examination of application:
At the licensee's address; and
OK Radio
5915 Gateway Boulevard
Edmonton, Alberta
Calgary, Alberta
Application No. 2006-1037-0
Application by MVBC Holdings Limited for a licence to operate a multilingual ethnic television programming undertaking in Calgary.
The applicant proposes to direct programming to 17 ethnic groups in 17 different languages.
The new station would operate on channel 38 with an average effective radiated power of 21,000 watts (maximum effective radiated power of 30,000 watts/antenna height of 170 metres).
The Commission may withdraw this application from the public hearing if it is not advised by the Department of Industry, at least twenty days prior to the hearing, that the application is technically acceptable.
Applicant's address:
88 East Pender Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6A 3X3
Fax: 604-678-3907
E-Mail: areitmayer@channelm.ca
Examination of application:
WTR Media
111 - 10A Street NW
Calgary, Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
Application No. 2006-1039-6
Application by MVBC Holdings Limited for a licence to operate a multilingual ethnic television programming undertaking in Edmonton.
The applicant proposes to direct programming to 17 ethnic groups in 17 different languages.
The new station would operate on channel 45 with an average effective radiated power of 32,000 watts (maximum effective radiated power of 50,000 watts/antenna height of
121 metres).
The Commission may withdraw this application from the public hearing if it is not advised by the Department of Industry, at least twenty days prior to the hearing, that the application is technically acceptable.
Applicant's address:
88 East Pender Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6A 3X3
Fax: 604-678-3907
E-Mail: areitmayer@channelm.ca
Examination of application:
WTR Media
16715 - 99 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
Calgary, Alberta
Application No. 2006-1041-1
Application by CanWest MediaWorks Inc. to amend the licence of the television programming undertaking CHCA-TV, Red Deer, Alberta.
The licensee proposes to add a TV transmitter in Calgary to broadcast the programming of CHCA-TV, Red Deer, in order to serve the population of Calgary.
The transmitter would operate on channel 38 with an effective radiated power of 76,000 watts (non-directional antenna/antenna height of 206 metres).
The licensee indicated that it would not solicit local advertising in Calgary.
The Commission may withdraw this application from the public hearing if it is not advised by the Department of Industry, at least twenty days prior to the hearing, that the application is technically acceptable.
Licensee's address:
81 Barber Greene Road
Toronto, Ontario
M3C 2A2
Fax: 416-386-2779
E-Mail: cbell@canwest.com
Examination of application:
Global Calgary
222 - 23 Street North East
Calgary, Alberta
2840 Bremner Avenue
Red Deer, Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
Application No. 2006-1042-9
Application by CanWest MediaWorks Inc. to amend the licence of the television programming undertaking CHCA-TV, Red Deer, Alberta.
The licensee proposes to add a TV transmitter in Edmonton to broadcast the programming of CHCA-TV, Red Deer, in order to serve the population of Edmonton.
The transmitter would operate on channel 17 with an effective radiated power of 92,000 watts (non-directional antenna/antenna height of 232 meters).
The applicant indicated that it would not solicit local advertising in Edmonton.
The Commission may withdraw this application from the public hearing if it is not advised by the Department of Industry, at least twenty days prior to the hearing, that the application is technically acceptable.
Licensee's address:
81 Barber Greene Road
Toronto, Ontario
M3C 2A2
Fax: 416-386-2779
E-Mail: cbell@canwest.com
Examination of application:
Global Calgary
5325 Allard Way
Edmonton, Alberta
2840 Bremner Avenue
Red Deer, Alberta
Across Canada
Application No. 2006-0699-9
Application by Only Imagine Inc. for a licence to operate a relay distribution undertaking.
The proposed undertaking would insert commercial advertisements or promotional materials into the local availabilities of a number of non-Canadian programming services distributed by various broadcasting distribution undertakings (BDUs) across Canada. Of these local availabilities, 70% would be sold by the applicant for commercial advertisements. BDUs would be able to provide the applicant with promotional material of their own to be inserted into 25% of these local availabilities. The remaining 5% would be used to promote the priority services whose distribution is required under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act.
The applicant has committed to contributing 50% of annual revenue earned from the sale of commercial advertising to a new production fund intended to support the creation of Canadian drama programming. Five million dollars of advertising inventory would also be made available, over the course of a seven-year licence term, for the promotion of new Canadian drama and feature films. A further five million dollars of advertising inventory would be made available for the promotion of Canadian digital specialty services.
The applicant proposes to install equipment in approximately 20 head-ends and uplink facilities operated by a number of BDUs so as to enable it to insert the various types of promotional material described above.
Applicant's address:
Only Imagine Inc.
72 Copperstone Crescent
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R2J 4C8
Fax: 204-254-7561
E-Mail: Jeff@onlyimagine.ca
Examination of application:
Aikins, MacAulay & Thorvaldson
Commodity Exchange Tower
30th Floor
360 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Across Canada
Application No. 2006-1200-6
Application by Bhupinder Bola, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated, for a licence to operate a national ethnic Category 2 specialty television programming undertaking to be known as The FilipinoTV Channel (FTC).
The applicant states that the programming will target the Filipino community.
The applicant proposes to offer programming from the following categories: 1, 2(a), 2(b), 3, 4, 5(a), 5(b), 6(a), 6(b), 7(a), 7(b), 7(c), 7(d), 7(e), 7(f), 7(g), 8(a), 8(b), 8(c), 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, as set out in Schedule I of the Specialty Services Regulations, 1990.
The applicant proposes to broadcast not less than 90% of its programming in the Tagalog language during the broadcast week.
The applicant requests that, of the 12 minutes of advertising material permitted during each clock hour, it be authorized to broadcast up to 6 minutes of local advertising.
Applicant's address:
80 Carlauren Road
Suite 23
Woodbridge, Ontario
L4L 7Z5
Fax: 905-851-5108
E-Mail: pipbola@rogers.com
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Across Canada
Application No. 2006-1501-5
Application by CHUM Limited (CHUM), partner together with its wholly-owned subsidiary 1640576 Ontario Inc. (1640576) in a general partnership carrying on business as Pulse 24 Partnership (Pulse 24), for authority to transfer a minority partnership interest (20%) in Pulse 24, to Rogers Broadcasting Limited (Rogers). Pulse 24 is the licensee of the English-Language specialty television service known as CablePulse 24.
Following this transaction, Rogers will become a partner together with CHUM (79.9% partnership interest) and 1640576 (0.1% partnership interest) in Pulse 24. Further, CHUM will continue to exercise effective control of CablePulse 24.
The applicant is requesting a new licence to be issued to CHUM, Rogers and 1640576, partners in Pulse 24, under the same terms and conditions in effect under the current licence.
Applicant's address:
299 Queen Street West
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 2Z5
Fax: 416-340-7005
E-Mail: keving@chumlimited.com
Examination of application:
At the applicant's address
Across Canada
Application Nos. 2006-1514-8, 2006-1515-6, 2006-1516-4, 2006-1517-2, 2006-1518-0, 2006-1519-8, 2006-1520-6 and 2006-1521-3
Applications by CHUM Limited (CHUM) for authority to effect a corporate reorganization resulting in the transfer to CHUM's newly created wholly owned subsidiaries (Subcos), of the assets of certain broadcasting undertakings owned by CHUM and its wholly owned subsidiary Learning and Skills Television of Alberta.
The ultimate control of the broadcasting undertakings would continue to be exercised by CHUM. CHUM's voting shares are currently held in trust by Mr. John D. McKellar, pursuant to a Voting Trust Agreement as approved by the Commission on 12 July 2006.
The proposed reorganization includes the transfer of the assets of certain radio, television, and specialty programming undertakings to the subcos. The list of the Subcos and broadcasting undertakings affected by this reorganization is attached as Appendix 1 to this public notice.
The applicant is requesting new licences to be issued to the various Subcos under the same terms and conditions as those in effect under the current licences.
Applicant's address:
299 Queen Street West
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 2Z5
Fax: 416-340-7005
E-Mail: keving@chumlimited.com
Examination of application:
See Appendix 2
Kelowna, British Columbia
Application No. 2006-1105-5
Application by Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Limited Partnership to convert radio station CKOV Kelowna from the AM band to the FM band.
The new station would operate on frequency 103.1 MHz (channel 276B) with an average effective radiated power of 11,000 watts (maximum effective radiated power of 35,000 watts/antenna height of 114.3 metres).
The applicant proposes a Soft Vocals music format complemented by a continuation of CKOV's traditional style of news and information programming.
The applicant is requesting permission to simulcast the programming of the new FM station on CKOV for a period of 3 months from the date of implementation of the new station.
The applicant is also requesting, pursuant to sections 9(1)(e) and 24(1) of the Broadcasting Act, the revocation of the licence of CKOV effective at the end of the simulcast period.
The Commission may withdraw this application from the public hearing if it is not advised by the Department of Industry, at least twenty days prior to the hearing, that the application is technically acceptable.
This application requires the issuance of a new licence.
Applicant's address:
460 Pemberton Terrace
Kamloops, British Columbia
V2C 1T5
Fax: 250-762-2141
E-Mail: bdavis@ckov63.com
Examination of application:
3805 Lakeshore Road
Kelowna, British Columbia
Chilliwack, British Columbia
Application No. 2005-1434-0
Application by Rogers Broadcasting Limited (Rogers)to renew the licence of the English-language commercial radio programming undertaking CKCL-FM, Chilliwack and its transmitters CKCL-FM-1 Abbotsford and CKCL-FM-2 Vancouver, expiring August 31, 2007.
As part of the current licence term, the Commission received complaints alleging the licensee's abandonment of CKCL-FM's Fraser Valley programming orientation.
As a result, the Commission on 19 May 2000, issued a letter of determination on May 19, 2000 to Rogers, in which, the Commission directed the licensee to:
- 1 Not identify itself on a basis that includes exclusive references to Vancouver;
- 2 The station was expected to include references to the areas that it is licensed to serve in all traffic and weather reports, as well as to include, on a regular basis, references to local news and events in the community it is licensed to serve.
Correspondence relating to these complaints and the results of subsequent Commission staff monitoring concluding that CKCL-FM may have failed to comply with its Fraser Valley programming offering are available for inspection on the public examination file.
Additional correspondence may be added to the public examination file of this licensee following today's date; interested parties are advised to review the file for any such additional correspondence.
Licensee's address:
777 Jarvis Street
Toronto, Ontario
Fax: 416-935-4882
E-Mail: alain.strati@rci.rogers.com
Examination of application:
520-45715 Hocking Avenue
Chilliwack, British Columbia
Appendix 1
to Broadcasting Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 2006-13
List of broadcasting undertakings affected by the proposed reorganization
Application No.
Affected Undertakings
4358350 Canada Inc.
(Music Co.)
- MuchMusic
- MuchMoreMusic
- MuchLoud
- MuchMoreRetro
- MuchVibe
- PunchMuch
1708486 Ontario Inc.
(A Channel Co.)
- CHRO-TV-43
London, Ontario
Pembrooke, Ontario
Ottawa, Ontario
Wheatley, Ontario
Windsor, Ontario
Wingham, Ontario
Barrie, Ontario
Parry Sound, Ontario
1708487 Ontario Inc.
(CityTV Toronto Co.)
Toronto, Ontario
Woodstock, Ontario
Ottawa, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario
1708478 Ontario Inc.
(Victoria Co.)
British Columbia
British Columbia
1708482 Ontario Inc.
(Bravo Co.)
1708483 Ontario Inc.
(Space Co.)
Space: The Imagination Station
1708484 Ontario Inc.
(CLT Co.)
Canadian Learning Television (CLT)
1708479 Ontario Inc.
(Radio Co.)
Kitchener, Ontario
Brockville, Ontario
Kingston, Ontario
London, Ontario
Windsor, Ontario
Windsor, Ontario
Windsor, Ontario
Windsor, Ontario
Brockville, Ontario
Kitchener, Ontario
Kingston, Ontario
Windsor, Ontario
Windsor, Ontario
Lindsay, Ontario
Peterborough, Ontario
Peterborough, Ontario
Windsor, Ontario
Windsor, Ontario
Appendix 2
to Broadcasting Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 2006-13
Addresses for public examination of applications
Address for public examination
British Columbia
1. Victoria
1420 Broad Street
Victoria, British Columbia
2. Barrie
33 Beacon Road
Barrie, Ontario
3. Brockville
601 Stewart Blvd.
Brockville, Ontario
4. Kingston
993 Princess Street, Ste. 10
Kingston, Ontario
5. Kitchener
255 King Street North, Ste. 207
Waterloo, Ontario
6. Lindsay
249 Kent Street West
Lindsay, Ontario
7. London
1 Communications Road
London, Ontario
8. Ottawa
87 George Street
Ottawa, Ontario
9. Pembroke
611 TV Tower Road
Pembroke, Ontario
10. Peterborough
59 George Street North
Peterborough, Ontario
11. Toronto
299 Queen Street West
Toronto, Ontario
12. Windsor
1640 Ouellette Avenue
Windsor, Ontario
13. Wingham
215 Carling Terrace
Wingham, Ontario
Public Participation
Deadline for interventions/comments
18 January 2007
The intervention must be received by the CRTC and by the applicant on or before the above-mentioned date. The Commission cannot be held responsible for postal delays.
The intervention must include one of the following statements in either the first or the last paragraph:
1 - I request to appear at the public hearing.
2 - I do not want to appear at the public hearing.
Your intervention will be considered by the Commission, and will form part of the public record of the proceeding without further notification to you, provided the procedure set out below has been followed. You will be contacted only if your submission raises procedural questions.
Submit your written intervention to the Secretary General of the Commission in only one of the following formats:
by using the [Broadcasting intervention/comments form]
by mail to CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N2
by fax at 819-994-0218
A true copy must be sent to the applicant and proof that this has been done must accompany the intervention sent to the Commission.
The Commission advises those who file and serve by electronic mode to exercise caution when using e-mail for service of documents or notification, as it may be difficult to establish that service has occurred.
Before initiating service through electronic mode, please ensure that you will be able to satisfy the Commission, upon request, that service of the notification was completed.
Where the intervention is filed by electronic means, the line ***End of document*** should be entered following the last paragraph of the document, as an indication that the document has not been damaged during electronic transmission.
Each paragraph of the document should be numbered.
Your intervention should clearly identify the application and indicate whether you support or oppose the application, or if you propose changes to it, include the facts and grounds for your proposal.
In the event that the application is brought to the oral phase of the hearing, and if you wish to appear, you must provide reasons why your written comments are not sufficient and why an appearance is necessary.
Persons requiring communications support such as assistance listening devices and sign language interpretation are requested to inform the commission at least twenty (20) days before the commencement of the public hearing so that the necessary arrangements can be made.
Important notice
Note that all information that you provide as part of this public process, except information granted confidentiality, whether sent by postal mail, facsimile, e-mail or through the Commission's web site at www.crtc.gc.ca, becomes part of a publicly accessible file and will be posted on the Commission's web site. This information includes your personal information, such as your full name, e-mail address, postal/street address, telephone and facsimile number(s), and any other personal information you provide.
Documents received electronically or otherwise will be put on the Commission's web site in their entirety exactly as you send them, including any personal information contained therein, in the official language and format in which they are received. Documents not received electronically will be available in PDF format.
The personal information you provide will be used and may be disclosed for the purpose for which the information was obtained or compiled by the Commission, or for a use consistent with that purpose.
Examination of documents
An electronic version of applications is available from the Commission's web site by selecting the application number within this notice.
A list of all interventions/comments will also be available on the Commission's Web site. An electronic version of all interventions/comments submitted will be accessible from this list. To access the list, select "Lists of interventions/comments" under "Public Proceedings" from the Commission's Web site.
Documents are also available during normal office hours at the local address provided in this notice and at the Commission offices and documentation centres directly involved with these applications or, upon request, within 2 working days, at any other CRTC offices and documentation centres.
Central Building
Les Terrasses de la Chaudière
1 Promenade du Portage, Room 206
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0N2
Tel: 819-997-2429
Toll free Telephone: 1-877-249-2782
Toll-free TDD: 1-877-909-2782 FAX: 819-994-0218
Metropolitan Place
99 Wyse Road
Suite 1410
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B3A 4S5
Tel: 902-426-7997
FAX: 902-426-2721
205 Viger Avenue West
Suite 504
Montréal, Quebec H2Z 1G2
Tel: 514-283-6607
55 St. Clair Avenue East
Suite 624
Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M2
Tel: 416-952-9096
Kensington Building
275 Portage Avenue
Suite 1810
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2B3
Tel: 204-983-6306 - TDD: 204-983-8274
FAX: 204-983-6317
Cornwall Professional Building
2125 - 11th Avenue
Room 103
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3X3
Tel: 306-780-3422
10405 Jasper Avenue
Suite 520
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3N4
Tel: 780-495-3224
530-580 Hornby Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3B6
Tel: 604-666-2111 - TDD: 604-666-0778
FAX: 604-666-8322
Secretary General
This document is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined in PDF format or in HTML at the following Internet site: www.crtc.gc.ca