ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8740-A53-200613423
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LetterOttawa, 7 December 2006
File Nos: 8740-A53-200613423 To: Attached Distribution List Re: 800/888 Carrier Identification Service cost studies In MTS Allstream Inc. - Request to review rates for 800/888 Carrier Identification service , Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-57, 12 September 2006, the Commission directed Bell Aliant Regional Communications Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant), Bell Canada, MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream), Telus Communications Company (TCC) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the incumbent local exchange carriers or ILECs) to file within 45 days of the date of that Decision, amended tariff pages with supporting cost studies for their 800/888 Carrier Identification service. On 27 October 2006 , the Commission received submissions from each ILEC pursuant to this directive. SaskTel and Bell Aliant submitted that the database used to provide their respective 800/888 Carrier Identification service is a joint-use database service operated by Bell Canada on behalf of itself, Bell Aliant and SaskTel. Therefore SaskTel and Bell Aliant requested that the Commission use the cost submission provided by Bell Canada when evaluating their proposed rates. On 27 November 2006 the Commission received comments from Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc., MTS Allstream and Rogers Communications Inc., regarding Bell Canada 's, MTS Allstream's and TCC's submissions dated 27 October 2006 . The ILECs may file reply comments with respect to the 27 November 2006 comments by 22 December 2006 . To assist the Commission to dispose of the application, Bell Canada , MTS Allstream and TCC are requested to provide responses to the attached questions addressed to them concerning their respective cost studies. Responses to these interrogatories are to be filed with the Commission and served on the parties listed on the distribution list, by 12 January 2007 . In light of the above, Commission staff sets out the following further process for all interested parties Parties may file comments by 22 January 2007 with a copy to all parties. The ILECs may file reply comments by 29 January 2007 with a copy to all other parties. All submissions are to be received and not merely sent by the dates specified. Yours sincerely, 'Original signed by Y. Davidson'
Yvan Davidson Attach. cc: Marc Pilon, CRTC (819) 997-4535
Interrogatories addressed to 1) With reference to maintenance expenses identified on page 10 and 11 in Attachment to letter Associated with Tariff Notice no. 6995, 27 October, 2006 :
2) With reference to the capital costs causal to demand categories described on page 8 in Attachment to letter Associated with Tariff Notice no. 6995, dated 27 October, 2006, provide the unit cost and assumed cost driver associated with each resource component identified in the categories listed in parts A and B below. Explain how each of these unit costs was derived. Explain if any of these resource components are shared by services other than 800/888 Carrier Identification service.
3) Provide a schematic diagram of Bell Canada's 800/888 Carrier Identification service which includes all capital components under the Switching and Other Capital as described on page 8 of Attachment to letter Associated with Tariff Notice no. 6995, dated 27 October, 2006. Provide another diagram that illustrates the steps to update the 800/888 Carrier Identification service database.
4) Provide details on the development of service provisioning expenses. Provide the unit costs and assumed cost drivers. Explain how each of the unit costs were developed.
Interrogatories addressed to 1) With reference to letter Re : Former TCI Tariff Notice no. 576, TCBC Tariff Notice no. 4261, Appendix dated 20 November, 2006, page 3 of 9, section 6.4.3 -Capital Causal to Demand, specify the PWAC, unit costs and assumed cost drivers for each of the resource components under the Switching category listed below. Provide details on how the unit costs were derived for each item.
• With reference to page 2 of 9 section 6.4.2 Capital Causal to Service of Appendix to letter Re : Former TCI Tariff Notice no. 576, TCBC Tariff Notice no. 4261, dated 20 November, 2006, specify the PWAC, unit costs and assumed cost driver if any for each of the components listed below. In addition, provide the approved plant lives used for each item.
3) Provide a schematic diagram of the TCC 800/888 Carrier Identification service which includes all major capital components under Capital causal to Service and Capital Causal to Demand identified in interrogatories 1) and 2) above. Provide another diagram that illustrates the steps to update the 800/888 Carrier Identification service database. 4) Explain why demand growth is expected to be flat over the next five years despite expected economic growth. Provide actuals for the years 2003, 2004, and 2005. 5) Provide details of all maintenance activities that have been included in TCC's cost study. For each maintenance activity, provide detailed explanations of the methods used for calculating the expenses associated with that activity. In the explanation for the expense for each maintenance activity, provide the methodology and underlying assumptions (eg labour unit costs, time estimates, cost factors, unit costs, drivers, etc). Specify the PWAC for each major component of the maintenance expense.
6) With reference to Appendix to letter Former TCI Tariff Notice No. 576 TCBC Tariff Notice no. 4261 , dated 20 November 2006, page 3 of 9, section 6.4.4, it is mentioned that the 800/888 Carrier Identification service incurs Advertising and Sales Management expenses. However in Table 5 - Detailed Summary of Phase II costs, costs for that item is zero. Explain the discrepancy.
Interrogatories addressed to 1) In reference to Attachment to the letter Associated with Tariff Notice No. 605, dated 27 October, 2006 : Date Modified: 2006-12-07 |
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