ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8661-C12-200608672
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LetterOttawa, 24 October 2006 File No. 8661-C12-200608672 BY E-MAIL To: Distribution List (Attached) Re: Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-10 - Continued need for the regulatory constraints applicable to toll and toll-free services The Commission received comments from the Canadian Association of the Deaf (CAD) regarding the above-noted proceeding on 1 September 2006 . The CAD indicated that it had attempted to register as a party to the proceeding, but that it had not been included in the list of interested parties and had not received any related documents or notices. The CAD requested that, in view of the error, it be allowed to provide its comments although it had missed the 18 August 2006 deadline for parties to comment. In view of the difficulties experienced by the CAD with the Commission's procedure, Commission staff considers that the CAD's request is reasonable. As the CAD's comments were incorrectly posted on the Commission's website as correspondence to the Commission and parties were not copied with the CAD's comments, Commission staff considers that parties may not have had the opportunity to address interrogatories to the CAD. Accordingly, parties who wish to address interrogatories to the CAD are requested to notify the Commission in writing, serving a copy on the CAD, by 27 October 2006. Commission staff note that the CAD's comments now appear on the Commission's website under the comments section. If any of the parties wish to address interrogatories to the CAD, further directions regarding procedure will be issued. Commission staff note that in response to a request from the Canadian Hearing Society (CHS) to extend the deadline for written comments set out in paragraph 21 of PN 2006-10, the CHS was requested to file its comments by 18 August 2006 . As the comments filed by the CHS on 18 August 2006 were filed pursuant to paragraph 21 of PN 2006-10, the CHS was not required to copy parties and parties are not permitted to address interrogatories to the CHS. Sincerely,
Suzanne Bédard
cc: N. Froese, CRTC (819) 953-5254 Distribution List
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