ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8740-T69-200611831

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Ottawa, 2 October 2006

File No.:   8740-T69-200611831

By E-mail

Mr. Terry Connolly
Director, Regulatory Affairs
TELUS Communications Company
21-10020-100 Street NW
Edmonton , Alberta
T5J 0N5

Dear Mr. Connolly:  

Re: Tariff Notice 434 - SmartTouch services

On 18 September 2006 , the Commission received an application from TELUS Communications Inc. (TCC), under cover of Tariff Notice 434, proposing the amendment of two permanent bundles, namely SmartTouch bundles 1 and 2, as well as the introduction of two new permanent bundles, namely SmartTouch bundles 3 and 4.   TCC submitted economic studies in support of its application.

In paragraph 89 of Review of price floor safeguards for retail tariffed services and related issues , Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-27, dated 29 April 2005, the Commission found that the costs of all service components available as tariffed retail services relating to the costs of all Category I Competitor Services are to be reflected by imputing the applicable tariffed rates

In a telephone conversation with Commission staff, TCC stated that tariffs for Category I Competitor Services were imputed at the discounted value in Table 2 of the economic study and not at the approved rates in the TCC tariff, as they should have been.

For this reason, the economic study in support of Tariff Notice 434 is deficient.

However, the Commission is open to examining a new application from the company containing the missing information.   The application must be filed under cover of a new tariff notice.  


[Original signed by P. Godin]

Paul Godin
A/Director General
Competition, Costing and Tariffs

cc:   Lizette Pépin, CRTC, 819-953-8735

Date Modified: 2006-10-02

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