ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8638-C12-200609969
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LetterOttawa, 1 September 2006 File No : 8638-C12-200609969
By Email
Ms. Molly Slywchuk Re: Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-46, Trunking arrangements for the interchange of traffic and the point of interconnection between local exchange carriers and Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-35, Follow-up to Trunking arrangements for the interchange of traffic and the point of interconnection between local exchange carriers, Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-46 Dear Ms. Slywchuck: On 3 August 2006 , the Commission received a letter from NorthernTel Limited Partnership (NorthernTel) requesting approval of a proposed local interconnection region (LIR) and its point of interconnection (POI) in NorthernTel's serving territory. Commission staff notes that the Commission is currently considering NorthernTel's application for approval of a proposed implementation plan for facilities-based local competition in its serving territory pursuant to paragraph 160 of Revised regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers, Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-14, 29 March 2006 , (Decision 2006-14). Commission staff further notes NorthernTel's intention to file a tariff application that includes the appropriate LIR information upon approval of its proposed implementation plan for facilities-based local competition. Pursuant to paragraph 178 of Follow-up to Trunking arrangements for the interchange of traffic and the point of interconnection between local exchange carriers, Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-46, Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-35, 29 May 2006 ( Decision 2006-35), NorthernTel would be required to include its proposed LIR definition and associated POI in the tariff application. Accordingly, the company is requested to file its proposed LIR definition and associated POI for approval in its tariff application following the Commission's approval of its proposed implementation plan for local competition. Yours sincerely,
Paul M. Godin
cc: Tom Vilmansen, CRTC (819) 997 9253 Date Modified: 2006-09-01 |
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