ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8000-C12-24/02

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Ottawa, 11 August 2006

Our File No. 8000-C12-24/02 


Mr. W.N. Beckman
General Manager, Regulatory Affairs
SaskTel Telecommunications
2121 Saskatchewan Drive
Regina , Saskatchewan
S4P 3Y2

Dear Mr. Beckman:

Re: Provision of WSP 9-1-1 Service

In Follow-up to Regulatory framework for second price cap period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34 - Service Basket Assignment , Decision 2003-11 (Decision 2003-11), at paragraph 24, the Commission stated that Wireless Service Provider Enhanced 9-1-1 service (WSP E9-1-1 service) is in the nature of an essential service since, in the absence of this service, WSPs would be unable to provide the public safety answering point with the call back number and location identification information for a wireless end-user that dialled 9-1-1.   The Commission concluded that WSP E9-1-1 services should remain classified as a Category I competitor service.

The Commission has been informed that Rogers Wireless Inc. (RWI) would like to subscribe to WSP E9-1-1 service in SaskTel's operating territory to ensure that it can offer consistent and high quality service to all of its customers.

In view of the above, SaskTel is requested to answer the following questions, with a copy to RWI, by 25 August 2006 .


Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager

c.c.:   Nora Froese, CRTC (819) 953-5254  
         Geoff Francis, Rogers Wireless Inc.    


1.   Bell Canada, Aliant Telecom Inc., MTS Allstream Inc., and TELUS Communications Company provide WSP E9-1-1 service.   Indicate whether SaskTel intends to introduce a tariffed WSP E9-1-1 service, which would be available to all WSPs and wireless CLECs.

(a)   If SaskTel intends to introduce WSP E9-1-1 service, provide details of the anticipated roll-out for the service, including expected areas of coverage and dates for roll-out in each area.   Indicate whether SaskTel would offer WSP E9-1-1 service in all areas in which wireline E9-1-1 service is available.

(b)   If SaskTel does not intend to introduce WSP E9-1-1 service, provide the company's rationale for its position.   Provide the company's comments on the possibility of the Commission requiring SaskTel to provide WSP E9-1-1 service in view of the Commission's determinations in Decision 2003-11 that WSP E9-1-1 service is in the nature of an essential service and that it should remain classified as a Category I competitor service.

2.   Provide a list or a map of the areas covered by wireline E9-1-1 service.

3.   Indicate whether SaskTel Mobility is able to transmit 10-digit numbers or information with respect to cell site location to PSAPs with respect to calls made by its wireless subscribers in SaskTel's operating territory.   If SaskTel Mobility is able to transmit this information, provide a list of areas in which SaskTel Mobility transmits it to the PSAPs.

Date Modified: 2006-08-11
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