ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8662-P11-200607327
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LetterOttawa, 27 June 2006 Our File: 8662-P11-200607327 Delivered by e-mail
Laurence J.E. Dunbar Dear Mr. Dunbar, Re: Part VII Application to Review and Vary Part of Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-15, Forbearance from Regulation of retail local exchange services -- Winback Rules Further to the above-noted Application, Primus Telecommunications is requested to file its responses to the attached interrogatories, and serve copies on all parties, by 30 June 2006 . All documents must actually be received, and not merely sent, by the date indicated above. Yours sincerely, (original signed by J. Macri )
John Macri
cc: Cathy Allison, CRTC (819) 953-7112 Attachment 1. In paragraph 77 of its Application, Primus Telecommunications (Primus) submitted that if the customer decided to switch back to the ILEC, the competitor incurred significant costs to connect the customer to its network. Primus provided (in confidence) a range of costs depending on whether the customer was in a single- or multi-dwelling unit and depending on the grade of local circuit. Provide detailed assumptions, methods and calculations used to derive these costs. 2. In paragraph 89 of its Application, Primus stated that it did not break even in delivering service until the # month of service, and that at an initial average investment of $ # per customer, it lost 81% of that investment if it lost a customer in the fourth month, compared to only 8% if it lost the customer in the thirteenth month. Provide all detailed assumptions, methods and calculations used to derive the figures in the above-noted paragraph. # -- provided in confidence by Primus Date Modified: 2006-06-27 |
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